Fede Cabrera


Buenos Aires


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Buenos Aires, Argentina
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I`m a Foreign Trade Consultant (and coffee lover), that was lucky enough to made it to the WBC2007. Unfortunately the airline lost my luggage, which arrived only a few minutes before my competition time. I was disqualified ... but I did learn a lot about coffee and the barista profession.

I`m working to promote the consumption of specialty coffee and the barista profession in Argentine ... and soon in Latin-America, too.

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  • Heather Perry

    I'd Love to help out. Just let me know where I'm needed

  • Heather Perry

  • Karen.V.Manfut

    Ya recibi su correo, no te preocupes que no lo tradujiste hablo ingles asi que no hay problema.
    Spbre lo del Chat Room esta buenisimo el dato y te digo que estoy muy interesada en todo el tema de Barismo, la semana pasada tome un curso para ser juez en el campeonato nacional de barismo aca en Nicaragua y participe como juez nacional y fue una experiencia que me encanto y en ese momento me enamore del mundo del barismo a tal punto que quiero aprender e involucrarme mas en esto, me gusta mucho mucho, talves y encontre mi pasion jajaja!
  • Jónína Tryggvadóttir

    Hi again Fede, I would love to hear more about this project.. my e-mail is jst1@hi.is
    I haven´t taken that many pictures myself here, but I am slowly collecting them from people around me.. Actually the guys from the NBC trip were talking about making a flickr page and everybody would put their best pictures there.. I´ll try and put pressure on them to do so:)
  • Ed Viser

    Fede; Greetings from San Francisco, CALIFORNIA.
    What can I help you with this week? I see your in South America. I have a grower in Puerto Rico you should speak to. He is an SCAA judge and we have designed his new cafe in POnce. He would be interested in what you are doing.
  • Ed Viser

    He supports the Latin-American Barista community in PR. Could help you bridge the continent...
  • Karen.V.Manfut

    No fede, no encontre el chat room! jajaja
  • Gabriela Hueck

    Hola Fede, Gracias por la Bienvenida!!! Lo bonito de esta industria es que siempre se aprende algo nuevo.


  • Steve Lanphier

    I would love to know more about what you are involved with...I have been involved in a few social improvment projects over the past 5 years and want to continue in the area. I've been to New Guinea working on a school building project and that got me hooked. I'd love to help.
  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Hi Federico!

    Keep up the good work in South America! Your project seems very interesting . . .
  • Steve Lanphier

    It looks very interesting and I'd love to be a part of it....let me know
  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Yes please send me a summery I find it very interesting . . .
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    Hola Federico, como le va? me facina esto lo que estes haciendo. Me dijo mi jefe y si puedo, quiero saber más de lo que haces:) regresaré denuevo a america latina en este ano...bueno, cuidate y que te vayas bien.
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    Gracias, lo voy a ver. Que te vayas bien con esto! :)
  • Michelle Campbell

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Jeroen Verhaeg

    Thank's for your warm welcome!
  • Friso

    Dear Fede,

    Thanks for you comment on my Barista exchange.
    It's a great oppotunity to meet like minded coffee people!
    Nice project u'r working on mate! is't for your study?
    certenly could help the farmers enhance quality of live an as a result produce better coffee's (i hope).
    What chapter/piece of u'r business plan would u like me to help out?
    and what'is the final purpose of the business plan?
    let me know please.... and if i can i will help u!!
    Ciao friso
  • David Lakota

    Hola Federico,

    Wondering if you received my email with a few brief instructions for production...

    Let me know if you did not receive it.


  • byron

    I know the country inside out. Just let me know what you have in mind and I would be happy to put you in contact with the right people and tell you where to stay etc.

    Just let me know.
  • Andres Castro

    Hola Fede..rico

    Gracias por la bienvenida, creo que llegue un poco tarde por que mi empresa ya habia entrado, pero decidi hacerlo por mi lado tambien. A la orden por aqui. Exitos con el trabajo como Barista.

    Andres C
  • melodie jewel

    thanks, happy to be in this crazy coffee world....love the stuff!
  • Sé Gorman

    Yeah in this machine we can deliver to Argentina.

    Like the pick-ups in your photo.!
  • Bel Townsend

    Thanks for your email! I've not really got a lot on information/statistics for the sort of thing you need, sorry! It depends a lot on who you are marketing it to, where, and how. I do know that the speciality coffee market is getting bigger and bigger, especially in this country. I'll answer the questions you sent me in an email later. until then, buena suerte!
  • Bel Townsend

    Do you mean in terms of what percentage of the market is speciality? I'll have to look it up but I can find that out some how. -Will write later, bit busy right now!
  • Lita Lopez

    Thanks for the comment! Please tell me more about what you're doing with your documentary. Maybe we can work together somehow. Nice to meet you!
  • Bel Townsend

    Buenos noches! He enviado algunos cosas para tu proyecto. Y este noche no puedo hablar en espanol, disculpe!
  • Bel Townsend

    No problem, keep me updated!
  • nico

    Hej Fede!, gracias por la invitación. Me pondré al tanto de las cosas que circulan por aquí...Salu2
  • Rachel Peterson

    Con mucho gusto yo te atiendo si estoy en Panamá cuando pases por allí, solo avísame con anticipación. Que es lo que estás haciendo exactamente?
  • Federico Bolaños

    Hola Federico,
    Disculpas por no haberte respondido antes, pero tenia desde enero de no entrar al sitio web barista exchange.
    Me alegró mucho que me hayas contactado porque es emocionante ponerse en contacto baristas de otros paises.
    Tengo una duda: el unico primo Rodrigo que tengo vive en Estados Unidos y no tiene nada que ver con el mundo gastronomico y mucho menos con el de café. Porque crees que estuviste con un Rodrigo pariente mio?
    Te cuento que mi esposa acaba de ganar el 1er campeonato de baristas de El Salvador y se está preparando para el WBC2008...algún consejo?
    Bueno, estamos a tus ordenes en El Salvador si algún día pasas por aquí, solo danos una llamada. El telefono de nuestro café bar y tostaduría es 2289-4499.
    Federico Bolaños
  • Coffee Kids

    Gracias por la nota. Que bueno estar celebrando 20 años!
    Coffee Kids
  • Ildi Revi

    Let me know more about your project-- I would be happy to chat about it.
  • Rachel

    thank you very much!
  • Kamal Haggerty

    check our website out wwwkopiluwak.com.au
    are you going this year to wbc?
  • Coffee Kids

    Gracias por el comentario Fede, solo avisanos en como podemos ayudar con el grupo .
  • Léo Moço

    Hola Federico!!! yo soy barista brasileno con mucho gusto en contacta lo.

  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Hola Fede

    Gracias por tu bienvenida. Vas a ir a la WBC? o a Minneapolis? Cualquier cosa que necesites en o de México escríbeme.
    Un abrazo
  • Dani Capuano

    Thank you, Fede!
    If you come to Brazil, let me know, all right?!

  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Hola Fede

    Que interesante! Mira, hay 12 estados cafetaleros, pero los más fuertes en producción son Chiapas, Veracruz y Oaxaca. Cada estado tiene además muchos lugares culturales a los cuales asistir.
    Mándame tu proyecto a amccemex@gmail.com
  • Peter Tam

    I just undestood something about your venture, and would like to know whether you like me to be in your schedule or not? As almost only one, who have different understanding and theory about coffee and espresso from most others, I may give you a surprise for your projects. I am looking forward to hearing from you about this.
  • Coffee Kids

    Claro que puedes mandarnos la informacion. Estamos un poco inundado con preparaciones para SCAA, pero cuando tengamos tiempo podemos leerlo. Mandalo a kyle@coffeekids.org

  • Dani Capuano

    Hi, I´m in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Minas is the state that produces more coffee in Brazil. We have several farms, and some coffee-producing specialty coffee. If you want I can give you some.
    See you!
  • Peter Tam

    I had seen your talk to others about your project, and you can supply air teckets and accommodations for those who can go to your country to train the baristas. What I meant is that I can do it, if you want, because we had developed a great theory about the coffee and its brewing, specially for the espresso and specialty coffee. If you want, please let me know.
  • Matias

    fede, como estay ??? soy matias oye ya comeinza el segundo campeonato alla ??? tengo ganas de ir , me gustaria realizar algun tipo de latte art workshop crrees que seria posible o ayudar en algo.
  • Peter Tam

    Thank you Fede, I am interested in it. If I can go, I am sure I can help them in knowing coffee and also brewing skills, in terms of our coffee theory.
  • Dani Johnson

    why thank you. i am still figuring out how to use this site, the people on here are very nice
  • Anya

    Hello and thank you. I'm very much looking forward to the WBC.
    Will be great to meet up!
  • Peter Middlecamp

    Greetings from Saint Paul, MN. Good luck this year, especially where airlines are concerned!
  • Manuel

    ok me avisas
  • Matias

    hable con viviana y le ofreci todo lo que puedo , realizar un taller de latte art para los competidores, ser jurado etc...porque competir no vale la pena para mi , pero si ayudar en lo que pueda, si le comente que me interesa obviamente que me ayude en lo que pueda ya sea alojamiento o pasaje para que no me salga tan caro , pero todavia no he tenido respuesta fede asique nose como salga el tema por ahora estoy organizando mi viaje a ecuador para el 1 de junio que voy a la cosecha del cafe de especialidad a las distintas haciendas y a realizar entrenamiento a baristas de alla.