Sylvia Gutiérrez


Mexico city


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Mexico City, Mexico
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
All Asia
About Me:
I like coffee since I was a little girl. My mother used to prepare it for breakfast in a pot with cinnamon, any milk, any sugar, only coffee and cinnamon. I grew up and then the Espresso came. I have participated as a judge at World Latte Art Championship 2008 and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship 2008 (great events both). I also coordinate the academic program of "ExpoCafe" and "The Gourmet Show" in Mexico City. I've just got my 2009 WBC judge certificate in Guatemala!

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Strumpf

    Hi Sylvia! Will you be making it out to the USBC again this year?
  • scott conary

    good to see you! Tell Arturo I said hi and hope to see you both at USBC or at least WBC.....
  • Jay Caragay

    Hola Sylvia!!! How is life in the DF? I miss the food there and talk about it a lot with my friends here. I also got the chance to meet Carmen Titita Ramirez and her daughter when they were visiting Washington DC in October - exciting. Let us know if you're coming to Minneapolis for SCAA.
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hola Sylvia,

    Bienvenida a Barista Exchange!

  • Jay Caragay

    That's weird. My bday is actually on April 1st. Don't know why it's made me older sooner. Still trying to figure out what to do for my bday. Thinking about traveling somewhere but not sure where.

    Maybe a nice bottle of your favorite tequila would be good. I don't know much about quality tequilas and was pretty surprised to see such a wide and varied selection while I was visiting.
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hola Sylvia!

    No creo que pueda asistir a Minneapolis, ya que voy a asistir a Copenhague (aun en caso de no ser el representante Argentino).

    Estoy trabajando en un proyecto para visitar algunos paises productores, y Mexico esta incluido en esa lista.
    Cuales son sus regiones productoras?

    Por otro lado, me gustaria enviarte una copia del plan de negocios del proyecto para que me des tu opinion. Si es posible, te pido que me indiques donde.

    Un abrazo
  • Fede Cabrera

    Ya tenia previsto visitar Chiapas y Oaxaca, ahora vere si tambien puedo incluir Veracruz. Te envie el mail, espero que encuentres el proyecto interesante. Saludos
  • Steve Kessler

    I agree, I hope the hotel is nice. I ended up getting it for $100 per night (with my discount card) plus tax. Thanks again for the tip!
  • Jay Caragay

    Muchas gracias Sylvia te acuerdas mi cumpleanos.
  • nik orosi

    holla, i just received message from jay, im croatian champion and in tokyo i was with jay and others at the same hotel having great time. do you know in which hotel you are staying so i can book the same one!? thanks and see you in copenhagen
  • Nostrommo

    Hey! si, veo que los conoces, son fantásticas personas y se han convertido en grandes amigos, los quiero muchisimo y me han apoyado increible, espero que podamos coincidir tambien, y que genial medio es este, yo apenas ayer me enteré y por casualidad ya que tenia el correo de invitación a Barista Exchange en la carpeta de correo no deseado, bueno espero que podamos seguir en contacto!!

    Fernando Pacheco.
  • Steve Kessler

    It was a pleasure meeting you! Take care.
  • Jeff Taylor

    Hola Sylvia, it was great to see you again in Minneapolis. We should do that more often! :O) cheers Jeff
  • Jose

    Como estas Sylvia? mi nombre es Jose Rubio, vivo en Palma de mallorca, estamos creando una academia de baristas, he visto que tu participas en, Era conocer como lo empezasteis todo? nosotros somo puros noveles.

    Saludos desde Palma
  • vincent

    Hi, Sylvia, do I need to register for the event with Competencia Mexicana de Baristas? Thanks for your help.
  • vincent

    I sent you an email @ your gmail address.

    Let me know if there is anything I need to do or bring.
  • Anna Ximena Salazar

    Que gusto encontrarnos! Es una pena que no pudiéramos coincidir en Minneapolis, me hubiera encantado poder platicar contigo.
    Haber que día nos ponemos de acuerdo con Aquiles para salir a algún lado, va?
    Portate bien y si te portas mal... invitas, no seas gacha!
  • vincent

  • Andrew Barnett

    Sylvia !
  • vincent

    Good Morning Sylvia,
    Todo Bien?
  • vincent

    yes, Roasting mostly and practicingmy spanish to get ready to go to Mexico. Can you tell me a liitle more about Competencia Mexicana de Baristas? I know that you are a judge as mentioned in your profile.
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hola Sylvia!

    Lamentablemente no llegue a terminar el plan de negocios de mi proyecto para el WBC, y por eso decidi postergar mi viaje; en cambio fui a colaborar con la realizacion del 1° Campeonato Ecuatoriano de Baristas que se desarrollo en la ciudad de Guayaquil (en breve posteare algo al respecto).

    Espero que hayas disfrutado mucho tu viaje; yo me quede con muchas ganas de ir, pero era una inversion demasiado grande para no poder sacarle mucho provecho... ademas mi proyecto ya comenzo a operar a pesar de no estar oficialmente funcionando.

    Te mantengo al tanto de las novedades, seguramente nos veamos pronto.

  • Naci


    finally get a message from you but where are my pics?

    last day was very busy, couldn't see you leaving. Barista party was so crowded, I had to leave. It was actually great, I went around the city and there were really nice places in Copenhagen...

    And yes, you didn't show up for the Ibrik/Cezve competition :{
  • vincent

    Hi Sylvia,
    Just wanted to say hello, I tried to do a chat with you but I don't think it worked. I hope all is well there in D. F. I 've been busy this week because of the July 4th holiday, all of my wholesale people are ordering big so I've been Roasting quite a bit.
    How are the competitions going?
  • Joshua Stanphill

    We need to talk. You should come by our warehouse sometime.

    Myself and Ryan may stop by tomorrow.
  • Edgard

    Hello, Sylvia. Nice seeiong you here!!!
  • Jeff Taylor

    Hola Sylvia - Hope you are well.
  • vincent

    Good Morning Sylvia,
    I have some bad news, I will not be able to attend the Mexican Barista Championship in September. I just can't make it work financial, or to put it simple, I can't afford to go. I really wanted to go the event but my company cannot assist me with getting down there. I thought I should let you know as soon as possible. Thank you so much for helping with getting a pass and communicating. I hope i will make it to Mexico for another event in the future.
  • vincent

    Good Morning Sylvia,
    I have some bad news, I will not be able to attend the Mexican Barista Championship in September. My company cannot assist me with getting down there and I will not be able to afford to do it on my own. I'm upset about not being able to go. I hope I can go to another event in the future. Thank you so much for helping me with getting a pass and communicating. I thought I should let you know as soon as possible so that you are updated on who is coming.
  • Jeremy Clouser

    Hi Sylvia,

    I wasn't sure if that was you or not. I should have said hello. Well, we'll be at the Expo Café and I'll be sure to say hello then.

    It was a good symposium. I'm glad we went, each thing we go to helps us in our journey to open up a specialty coffee place here in D.F.

    Well, I hope all is well and bye for now,


  • ColinO

    Hey Sylvia,
    I am new to Barista Exchange and just went through and clicked on a couple of people to see how the whole thing works. I am also super interested to talk to people from all over the United States and the rest of the world about the differences in coffee from location to location. Anyway hope all is well!

  • Deaton

    Hey there!

    How is everything down south?

    Hope you are well!
  • aaron fierros gual

    haaaaa tenia que regarla con un comment en español jajajajaja es que casi no se ingles, disculpame
    como te va?
  • Victor

    Hi Sylvia, thanks for adding.

    I am glad you love to travel to asia :) Drop me a message if you wish to visit Penang, Malaysia :)
  • Damian

    I do a lot of work with Paul. Very nice guy. And very interesting. Amazing how everyone in this industry seems to know everyone. Damiano.
  • chiara nicolini jiskra

    Hola! te invito a unirte a Mundo Barista, un lugar de encuentro para los amantes del café hispanohablantes! salu2!
  • Steve MacDowall

    Hello and greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Adriano Arronte

    Hola Sylvia, unas preguntitas, quienes en México o qué compañía recomendarías tú para qué dé mantenimiento a las máquinas de espresso La Marzocco? tengo muchos años ya en el gabacho y estoy completamente desconectado. Me voy a regresar y me llevo dos máquinas.

  • Adriano Arronte

    Muchas gracias, estoy pensando regresarme a finales de Mayo, pero quiero ir planeando la transición para no andar con los pormenores a última hora. Le dá mantenimiento a tostadoras también?

  • Adriano Arronte

    Oye, voy a ir a México en diciembre de vacaciones, voy a estar en el DF entre el 25 y el 28 y luego me voy a Xalapa, tendrías chance de tomarte un cafecito conmigo y me pusieras al corriente de qué onda en México con la industria y el mercado del café?

  • Mike Strumpf

    Congratulations on passing the WBC certification! I just passed at the workshop in Long Beach last week and I'm looking forward to seeing you again in April!
  • Mike Strumpf

    Sensory, what about you?
  • Mike Strumpf

    It didn't feel that hard to me because I just judged the way I normally would. I think the scoring was hard, but thankfully I was close on scores to my head judge.
  • Maria Rosas

    Hola! Yo vivo en León , Guanajuato y he ido varias vecea a Expo Café.
  • Adriano Arronte

    Sylvia, ya estoy por acá, mi correo es, el tel. cel. de mi hermana Claudia es 55.175.44408, voy a andar por el centro mañana, tienes tiempo?
  • Adriano Arronte

    Pues Silvia, estoy en Xalapa, regreso al DF el 5 y el 8 salgo para Los Angeles, no sé como andes de tiempo para poder tomarnos un cafecito.
  • Steve MacDowall

    thank you for adding me, Sylvia- just got back from my vacation to Toronto - Steve