Ingibjörg Jóna Sigurðardóttir




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee shop owner, barista trainer, coffee roaster
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Reykjavík, Iceland
How many years have you been in the industry?
Since 2003
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
Healthy, happy and smart!

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  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    Hæ Imma...sjáðu hvað ég fann, álpaðist hingað inn;) gaman að sjá þig, hvenrig gengur fyrir sunnan?
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    hi!! yes two year now from bern hahahaah evrithinc ok? nice pre. video in tokyo bravo again immmmmmmmmaaa.
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    HI. this year i still to roast my coffee and drink espresso this year no thx !! next year for the last ahahah i am manager and barista tr. i work with my coffee i see meny meny plans lolololo...
  • nik orosi

    hallo hallo. miss congeniality!!! nice to see and hear from you. hows life? as for summer, or before, you are more than welcome to come here, we can make few cups of coffee and off to sea side...
  • Ryan Willbur

    I'm actually just about to start training. We're just about to open our roasting facility, and then we'll have a specific space to train. Our coffee bar has been very busy. Making it a difficult space to train in. What's next for you?
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    hha hvenrig var í gærkvöldi, vildi að ég hefði geta verið þarna og verið með, er bara í prófum þannig að.... en ég kem núna í janúar suður;) heyrðu já... mikil spenna og gleði;) hvenrig gengur allt hjá þér? brjálað að gera?
  • Fede Cabrera

    I`m sure you will do more than fine !!!

    Right here is almost the same thing, but our national championship is scheduled less than a month before the WBC .... hope they review this dates from now on :)
  • Erla Dögg Gunnlaugsdóttir

    Myndirnar eru mjög skemmtilegar! bláa og græna liði, og ég abbó er best.
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    hello immmma evrything ok ?
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    Ert þú líka að fara...vá en frábært...Nicaragua er frábær, hef verið bæði í El salvador og Kosta ríka sitthvoru megin við Nicaragua....slepptu þér þarna úti og skemmtu þér þvílíkt vel, ég er en ekki viss hvenær ég kem en það yrði þá í kringum 23-24......:)
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    haha geri það sæta!!!! ef ég ehyri ekki í þér áður en þú ferð...skemmtiði ykkur sem allra allra best!!!!!:D:DD:
  • Stefanos Domatiotis

    Hey immmmaaaa - How are you? he are itis grapppppppp but i see i try t make good coffeee.
  • nik orosi

    Hallo dear, just received dvd from Tokyo and you are inside saying; 'when i go to work, im going home!' Great!!! Love you for that and all other things youv said and what iv seen from you in Tokyo! Im so happy to know you. Love Nik
  • Ginny Wang

    wow~ we all have the same black wristlet ~nice to meet you~^_^ ~
  • Jónína Tryggvadóttir

    Hæ elsku Imma mín:) Takk æðislega fyrir frábæra viku! Hefði viljað geta kvatt þig almennilega.. Hvernig gekk ferðin heim? Gerðiru e.h. sniðugt í Amsterdam?
    Vona að þú hafir það gott!
    Bisous, Jónína
  • Per Nordby

    hello cover girl! Good to be home?
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey my friend
    Is is good to be back in Iceland? We are very happy here - how can you not be after this wonderfull and interesting trip together so nice people:-)
  • Stephanie

    thanks for the add pleased to meet you.
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hi Imma
    We are very serious about an exchange of baristas, but I think we should wait until after WBC and summer holidays and then we could arrange an exchange. It is a great opportunity.

    I have just updated my blog with pictures check it out:

    Have a nice weekend and say hi to Addy from Jeppe and Lene
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hi Immal,

    You may already know about my venture. I`m starting to recruit world-class trainers & baristas to train the local baristas at the american coffee growing countries.
    The idea is to cover the expenses (air ticket+hotel+food) for a 3 day trip (at least) with sponsor support.
    The venture will start by February 2009, if you`re able to donate a couple of days of your time, to promote the barista profession, please let me know, and I`ll send you the schedule.

    Best regards,
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hey Imma,

    Thanks for your prompt response and support !!!
    I just sent you an email with a brief summary of my venture. I`ll let you know any news.

    Best regards,
  • Dússý

    hæhæ, já skólinn er rosa finn, mega stuð:) ég frétti að þú sért farin í það að þjálfa en ekki keppa sjálf? og fær maður þá ekki að sjá myndir frá nigaragva;)
  • Dússý

    já okey...heyrðu jú, við erum þrjú að fara keppa héðan frá akureyri, frétti það bara í gær:) hlakka rosa til! vonandi man maður þetta ennþá síðan fyrir tvemur árum;)
  • Moto-Espresso Coffee Carts


    I'm very impressed with your resume. It's great to be introduced to one of the best. Best wishes!
  • Kris Davidson

    Hey Imma! Thanks for the add. I can't say I know many baristas outside the US. Actually, you're the first, YAY! Soooo, if by some amazing chance im rollin through Iceland sometime, i'll make sure to come say hi!
  • Andy Newbom

    gud tag! (only know a bit of german and norweigan...)
  • Steve Lanphier

    Greetings Imma,
    I'm very happy to be added to your "friends" list...Thanks for the invite, are you going to be at SCAA by any chance? Love to Meet ya!!
    Cheers, Steve
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Hi Imma,

    If you're ever in SacTo, come and see us at JavaJ!
  • 5.0 Reasons

    What's shakin' Imma?

    Your reputation precedes you...
  • Tom Steffens

    I'm flattered for the request! You're welcome in Seattle anytime! :)
  • Kyle

    new york says hi.
  • brett hanson

    Hey Imma- it's a pleasure. When are you visiting Seattle? Cheers!
  • brett hanson

    Sadly, there will be no wbc in my future for a while. Our pretty baby boy is the round the clock entertainment for now. Look us up if start heading this way for a trip!
  • Phil Proteau

    Hello Imma, thanks for adding me as a friend, let me know if you are ever in Philadelphia.
  • 5.0 Reasons

    Hmmm, how to word it...

    The quintessential nordic barista perhaps.
    Definately good in any case.
  • Mattias Sjöbäck

    Hi Imma,

    Hope you have recovered from the trip? I was messed up for a week when I came home but now everything is great! I hope I have time to visit you guys this year.
    Take care
  • Mattias Sjöbäck

    No worries, it was not so bad. I´ve been working the whole time so I was not that sick ;).
    Yes, I will be in Copenhagen for sure. It´s just a 20 minute drive from Malmö where I live. And you, are you going?
  • Sean Bartley

    Appreciated. :)

    Hows Somkey creek treating you?
  • Ryan Willbur

    Thanks Imma! I'm working hard at my routine. I just need to perfect a signature drink and refine my technicals. I'm competing first in the Western Regional at the end of March, then I will be competing in the USBC in May. It's a lot of hard work, but right now it's the fun part of my job. I'm really enjoying it. What are you up to lately?
  • Ryan Willbur

    Imma... You must have heard the saying 'secrets don't make friends.' Plus, I need all the help I can get! I did understand what you meant by US and not 'us.' Although, that is kind of awesome.

    I have been looking into travel details for the WBC. I really hope to make it. I'm sure it will be amazing. Have you had your national competition yet? Do you have any or many regions as well?
  • flyingthud

    Thanks for the good luck message, I'l need it no doubt. Oh and don't trust Ryan,.. he's bad to the bone.

    Hopefully see you in copenhagen!
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hello my dear how are you? Working working working...... Have you got lost recently :-) ? Are you coming to Copenhagen?
  • Michael de Renouard

    Hello Imma. sorry the the late answer. I love snow. Can't get enough. I actually managed to bring two boxes of havanas back home in perfect condition. I should have flown via Madrid on the back home, but instead it was Paris. Good thing that I bought them on the way out. How are your cigars? Have you any left. I like your new picture. Very artistic!
  • Michael de Renouard

    I went skiing in Flaine in France, and missed the danish and norvegian barista Championship. Bad timing.Have you seen the Flickr photes from Nicaragua? There's some good ones of you. You were having fun.
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hello again. Thnaks everything is fine here - we are very busy in the coffeeshop which is a nice thing. But still looking forward to a few days off here in easter. We just had the danish championship - Søren won and now we are trying to arrange Coffee in Good Spirits:-) Could you please send me a cup off coffee - my sunday cup:-) Take care and Jeppe says hello back. PS. I was together with Sonja the other day - nice. I just love you guys from Iceland - send my best wished to Sonja and Addy
  • Søren Stiller Markussen

    Hi Imma....wil we be seeing you in CPH in June.....
  • Peter Middlecamp

    Greetings. One of our baristas is moving to Iceland to intern with a music studio. Sam Gloor. I do hope he gets up the courage to introduce himself. ;)
  • Lene Hyldahl

    VERY GOOD PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Andrew Barnett

    Hey Imma ,

    Fantastic hearing from you ! Yes , will be in Copenhagen for WBC . Arriving on June 16th . Nicaragua is amazing ! Very inspired visit for Cup of Excellence in April . Yes , the thought of living there offers great allure .... Looking forward to seeing you in Denmark !

    Cheers ,
  • Andy Newbom

    yo ho and a bottle of rum! nice photos of origin! cool angles