trish rothgeb


Washington DC

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee roaster, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Washington DC
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
any and all
About Me:
I've been in the coffee business for more than 20 years now...began as a barista.
In 1990, I learned how to roast on a L12 Probat shop roaster. The boss just showed me how to turn it on and which beans he wanted roasted French (all coffee was French Roast). I told him to go golfing and leave me to it. That was the best job ever!
I went to Norway in 1998 and learned more than I could have imagined.
I have been a roaster, green buyer, sales rep, product consultant, and trainer in coffee.
I'm very active in with committee work for the SCAA.
To make a living, I teach people things about coffee.
About My Company:
TDR and the String Ball Project is a concept based on the idea that all work that I do in coffee contributes to a larger plan. The plan is to work towards better coffees and better coffee experiences.
Let me know if you want the longer explanation.

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    thanks for the drop in. t'was nice meeting you and your friends. stop by anytime!
  • Thomas Hodges

    You cancel Indonesia...I will cancel Africa and we will meet up in Nicaragua with the whole gang singing and keeping everyone awake at night! Can't wait Trish....
  • elvin

    Thanks for sayin' so... about the Hat and all.

  • Nicole Spinelli

    yo! what is new?!
  • Nicole Spinelli

    haha-right! I know, but it is the only one I have right now to load up--I will re-load for you sometime this week
    what are you up too?!
  • Nicole Spinelli

    wow!! that sounds fun! um, who is this person you speak of?! I think I know, but I hate being wrong :) things are good out here, looking forward for what is to come at the upcoming shows. you need to take a trip out to this coast!!
  • Danielle Glasky

    thanks trish! Yes, let's be friends!

    hi trish are you?
    I'm here now keep in touch
  • Anne MF Boatner

    Two truths and a lie about Trish:
    1. Trish is really cool!
    2. Trish is really cool!
    3. I hate Trish so much!

    which one is the lie? nobody knows!
  • Agustinus Keri Tassi

    Hi Trish,thanks to share a new experience about cupping,i met chris in aceh and had a nice cupping session in there..please advise me more..thanks
  • Agustinus Keri Tassi

    trish,i'm going to singapure in april to attend asian barista competetition.please share another barista information.thanks..
  • Andi C. Trindle

    Hey lady,

    Thanks for the Manhattan. I'd apologize for getting you addicted; but, don't you love me just a little bit for it? Hope everything is well for you.
  • Michelle Campbell

    Hey Girl... I had such a GREAT night with you the last night in DC. Just another memory on the road with Trish I'll treasure always.
  • Mike Strumpf

    Thanks lady, the MRBC went off without a hitch. Too bad you couldn't be there. Maybe next year...
  • Katie Duris

    i just want to go on record as saying that i love it when trish comes to town...
  • Bruno

    Hey Trish, what's up?

    Do you come to Brazil really often?

    By the way nice to meet you.
  • Erik

    Yeay, yeay!
  • Sandy Hon

    Because Spencer invited me and you didn't.
  • brett hanson

    I volunteered early on at the event today and after my shift they needed a few seat-fillers so I had a great spot for the whole show. I saw Z walking into the building beforehand with one of my coffee superfriends, so I was curious, but the announcement completely blew my mind. I'm actually excited across the board for the new initiatives. I'm sure there will be a few more things on my todo list tomorrow. What are your thoughts?
  • david nigel flynn

    I do my best. How do I look as a robot?
  • brett hanson

    I'm not sure what the next steps are, but I am pumped. Yeah, I want in on that party. Holler at me if you hear details.
  • Andy Newbom

    hi trish! what are you doing these days?
  • Dan Jolliff

    Very Nice to hear from you!
    I just never seem to get enough of your smile.

    Look foward to seeing you soon.
  • Alex

    nice to meet you in baltimore. that red mac is SWEET.
  • Aaron Duckworth

    What was that Alex? She let you see the red mac before me?

    What the hell, Trish? After all that we're never meant to each other and now this?
  • Bj Davis

    I tried to find you after, but never did. I saw Barry in the crowd, but then lost him. I wish I would have had time to judge this year. Oh well...
  • aaron ultimo


    Thanks for your constant kind words and encouragement! And thanks for making my page look so cool and active with that photo of my big mug (face, I mean). I'll miss seeing you as frequently as I have been. Make sure to visit soon and drag the Cho along with you too. See you in Minn at the very least. Much love...
  • Tim Noble

    I didn't mean to get all uppity regarding the CoEqCo sale- I just realized that I sound a bit like the crazy ex-boyfriend... Woah.
    Still, not begrudging the profiting doesn't mean you have to be happy about the outcome. Can we meet in the middle somewhere around there?
    I mean, it's SBUX- they're more fast food and lifestyle than quality coffee.
    If you make it to Philadelphia to visit the Ultimo, perhaps we can share a cup and talk about less contentious things!~
  • Jay Caragay

    Thanks for remembering beautiful.
  • Jeff Taylor

    Good Job yesterday Trishy! That was way too much Nic for one day! :O)
  • Phil Proteau

    I've been conducting a lil bad test this week 'cause I could hear your teasing voice in my sleep.
  • Erik

    Hey Trish,
    I just found out that I got in! I'm crediting the recommendation. Thanks once again for everything.
  • Keith Hamrick

    Miss too Ms Trish! Yeah---wtf indeed? Nope not up and running...hope by summer 2008! What you doing now?
  • Robbie Britt

    It was great to meet you at Brett's. What's your favorite espresso-based drink so I can start practicing? Just in case you find your way to Sno-Z.
  • Kim Cross

    um. hello!? Are you in Seattle now? Can we hit some cups somewhere? And then maybe some pints?
  • Andy Newbom

    Trish is SOOOO hot right now!
  • Gabe

    I can't wait to see you at the SCAA.
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Hey Trish! Want some chocolate?
  • Mike White

    Thanks Trish! Amazing how hours and hours of conversation and endless email exchanges boil down to two sentences. But at least they were good ones!
  • Chris Y. Gaoiran

    I want to learn more about The String Ball Project! I have a couple of guesses--but if it has anything to do with making killer coffee more accessible to people, with a hint of altruism in there, I'd be totally in.
  • Jon

    Oh my dear Trish,
    my everlasting camping headlamp of the coffee industry,

    I regret to inform you that I am no longer able to leave you the 7.1 million dollars I once promised. You didn't respond fast enough to my emails!! I ended up giving it all away to a peaceful socialist rebel group in Kansas in hopes of helping replenish some grasslands, deciding all this after reading Omnivore's Dilemma and that one book that you're in ...what's it again, Christ in a Cup? good read by the way. I got to learn a good deal about relationships. I never knew such drama existed. I can understand though. it's not entirely like the grasslands industry.
  • Heather BK

    Trish -
    Miss you, loved your pics and reading about your trip to Kona. When were you in Rome? Great to see your smiling face!
  • Louise

    Im a new barista, I work at Starbucks. I also new in barista exchange, i love coffee very much. If u have some knowledge that U want to share. Im willing to listen thx. I want to learn more about coffee, everything. Any suggest where can I get it?
    Is that true that Seattle is coffee home base in US?

    Saw a picture of the Trevi Fountain the other day and thought of you. How are things?
  • The Barista Formerly Known As JavaJ

    Thanks Trish! I ran into your mom at Temple randomly one time.

    Unfortunately I won't be writing those particular articles anymore, as I have (fortunately) moved back to San Francisco. Hope to open a shop here in the next 6 months or so. Next time you're in SF, let me know ahead of time and I might even bring some chocolate!
  • Andy Newbom

    Well hello lady..... noticed the address change my friend... serious stuff lady. Guess that means you are officially back off the available bachelorette list! Dang it I was about to work up my fancy pickup line....!
  • Steve MacDowall

    great photos - greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Michelle Campbell

    Hi! Sorry for the delay, I just got your note today. Are you still in town? I'd love to hook-up anytime. I have a dr.'s appointment Wed afternoon, but other than that I'm free. Let me know what works for you. Big Hug!
  • Mike Sala

    Come on get happy

  • michael Phillips

    I would say your even more amazing lady. Our encounters are few and far between but always a pleasure... see you in the ATL i assume?