nik orosi




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, coffee shop owner, barista trainer, coffee roaster
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
zagreb, croatia, europe
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
minimal / maximal & vice versa
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
everywhere except john said once, what they know about espresso hahaha (not john the revelator, but sanders)...ah, mea culpa, this should be a joke, or?
About Me:
nik, 38y, 2 kids eli & marco, croatian barista champion 06/07/08, wining world barista's choice award 2008, was funny to win that trophy...driving triumph spitfire mk3 from 1969, working on faema e61 from 1961 and la marzocco gb5 & fb80, barista in black
About My Company:
eliscaffe, the only non smoking caffe in whole country for 4y now, articles about caffe in numerous magazines such as elle, cosmopolitan, a.d. playboy...etc, most famous in financial times 04.07. and new york times, article called 36 h in zagreb, award winning for the best interior solutions 06, top 30 best places in croatia in a manner of quality 07, chosen for the best caffe in croatia 2008, best coffee in zagreb 2009...and counting...want more? send me an e mail
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?

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  • Gary Whiteley

    Hey there, we met breifly at the barista party in Copenhagen this year. I just wanted to say Come on England! 4-1!lol
  • Gary Whiteley

    Nice car! I love Aston martins myself that said British car design was at its peak in the sixty's. I'll say hello to the guys at Coopers from you. If im in Croatia I'll pop in for a coffee. Will be at next years WBC anyway so I may see you there.
  • Tim Varney

    hey nic... yeah it's fun at Tim's... when are you coming to visit us?
  • Cafeist

    Hi Nik, thanks for the welcome and friend req. Hey! You are in Zagreb, surely I would love to visit your caffe!
  • Senad Dervić-Senchy

    Ooo faco kako da zaboravim to MR.No-1 u Hrvata,ajd napokon ču i ja posjetiti tvoj blog,ako te nema na ovome prvenstvu onda se spremi da budeš sudac znaš kome trbaju bodovi,pa komšija se nikada ne zaboravlja...pozdravi gđu:Oroshi. pohvala za stranicu.
  • Mike

    Nice Pics!
  • christos manousidis

    Hello Nik.
    I have all the usual problems we have with our kids, new teeth, cold, fevers etc. We enter in the last year in “the sleepless zone”!!!
    Basically everything is OK. Haw about you?
  • christos manousidis

    I made my blog and shared all the information I could and people not appreciated. Some laugh at me and some others took my information’s and made handbooks for their company. The world generally can stand the genuine, prefers what pays because it has value! So we do what we think with all the cost that we have to pay…you know…is like love, we truly love when we can’t expect anything from the others. Like the love we have for our childs!!!
  • Attila

    Hi Nik!

    You Are The Best!

    Best regards,
    Attila from Hungary
  • Nick Cho

    I'm in Trieste until Wednesday!
  • Eduardo Gomez

    Hola NIK amigoooooooooo
  • Nick Cho

    I'm only here until Wednesday morning. If you're here on Tuesday, let's get together!
  • Steve MacDowall

    your photos are great - thanks - Steve
  • Domagoj Trusic

    Sudija lopove!
  • Domagoj Trusic

    Umjesto poziv na prijateljstvo ja pošaljem pozivnicu sorry smotan sam...
    Ovaj site je super ti si tu faca...
  • Zoe Delany

    Yeah I really hope to be there. Will do my best, fingers crossed I get through to the Aus final. If I don't make it... well there are always credit cards to be eaten up! z
  • Fede Cabrera

    Muchas gracias Boludo! How's everything up there?
  • Jason Dominy

    Thanks! I hope you're well! You're the best!
  • scott conary

    Study the current rules & regs! And maybe watch videos of past performers to critique performances. Good luck Nik!
  • Instaurator

    Hey what can I say about the photo. That's what I looked like when I was 14 and It's still how I feel on the inside....?!
  • cafe sweets


    we are the 1st and No.1 brand cafe media (magazine and web site) in china. if you like , we would like introduce you in our magazine and web site. please sent me your infomation and photoes to my e-mail :
    we also planning open a cafe school in Beijing, we will welcome you visit China sharing your expirince to chinese barista
  • Cafeist


    I think, I´ve visited your cafe, at the left side of Ilica if we heading to the west (CMIIW).

    Dropping by wishing you to have magical holiday! Merry Christmas!

    All the best.

  • Matt Milletto

    Nik! Can't wait to meet you in Atlanta! Please pass that test :) See you soon my Croatian brother.
  • Claire

    thanks! =]
  • Claire

    I mostly listen to hard core. I don't know if you know what I'm talking about. Bands such as Winds Of Plague, Whitechapel, Job For a Cowboy. Lots of screaming and heavy guitar riffs and double bass drumming. You? =]
  • Vlada Djonlic MA35TRO

    vise si nego dobrodosao :) nadam se da si se dobro proveo u Beogradu?!
  • Alun Evans

    Thanks for the nice comments Nik, its appreciated. Pity indeed we did not have a chance to meet up when I was in Trieste, I will be in Cologne later this year... are you going?
  • christos manousidis

    thanks mate, i wish health to you to!
  • Edwin Martinez

    hello nik, liam thomas martinez is doing well thank you, haven't yet put espresso in his bottle, but I think about it. God is good. Life is a miracle. Your cafe looks very beautiful. A true coffee destination in every sense. You'll have to visit us in Guatemala this harvest. We just started a couple days ago.
  • Dale Harris

    definitely learned a lot. my drinks really let me down (or i let them down) but have real understanding of the comp now and know where to work on for that. Also really enjoyed the actual performance - nervous first though!

    The last 6 months, getting ready for this, have really developed my skills but also keep showing me ways to improve and that is so exciting for me!
  • Svinarski Jovan

    Pozdrav druze .Kako navijaci iz MK ????
    zao mi je za nasha ekipa ali bicemo bolji.
    Pozzdrav bicemo u kontakt,ja sam iz Skopje ,cesto putujem posebno kad je moto sezona,nadam se sa ke mo se sreti.
  • Cedric

    Wow your coffee shop is AMAZING!!! I hope one day my latte art can be comparable to the stuff you're creating.
  • Svinarski Jovan

    Nik kako si ,sta ima novo u kafe biznis?Kod nas u il caffe di roma, imali smo ispekciju i cafeterija dari super a ja ne valjam.
    Ej kod nas su otvorili BARISTA COFFEE SHOP I sam proverio to i nema blage veze katastrofa kafee je uzasno radi kao svi normalni kafici .Jel to normalno???
  • Svinarski Jovan

    sad sam citao za Croatian Barista Championship u Zagrebu ,pa planiram da dogem na 27 fevruar ,mogu li dobiti adresu ili contakt tel:
  • Ana

    Pozdravljam te Nik,

    Zahvaljujem na tvom javljanju. Nazalost, nalazim se jos sljedeci mjesec i pol u Dresdenu. Ako budes tamo navracao, onda nemamo prepreke :)

    Mislim da imamo neki simpozij u Zagrebu kod vas, pa mozda se ja prije javim tebi.

    srdacan pozdrav
  • Alun Evans

    Hey Nik, yes I would imagine you would know the brand as well as any here! There is a guy down in Australia who also used to work for Illy in Triests...I will dig his name up and send it to you
  • Svinarski Jovan

    Pozz.. Nik kako e ?Jesu li pripreme u tek.dolazim na 27 fev ,mozesh li da mi dash adr:gde se nalazi takmicennje u Zagrebu.Dolazim na jedan dan nadam se da cesh imati vreme da popricamo .
  • coffeecat

    Hello Nik! Your coffee shop and your website is great! I wil surely visit you in Zagrab when I will be there! Visit me in my coffee shop when you will be in Budapest! :)
  • Vala Stef

    thank Nik, - the Icelandic Barista Championship was last weekend, I participated and it truly was a great weekend, there I heard about baristaexchange :) I don't really know much about nordic cup - yet.. but will find out :)
  • Bóel Gudmundsdóttir

    Great to hear you were judging us at the etcc, we had so much fun!
    And good news, Pálmar won the Icelandic barista championship, again!
    Sonja trained me to be a barista and I really think she is doing a great job with her new café, it's so cute and great coffee from her pink roster :)
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey thanks Nik!
  • Laura Lindsay

    Thanks, Nik! I will keep that in mind!
  • Kyle Glanville

    Hey Nik! Baby is good over here, how are you? Coming to ATL?
  • Walter Charzewski

    Hi Nik, I'll be holding 4 workshops in Klagenfurt at the Gast today (sun) til tuesday. They are rather basic and brief, though. Schedule can be found at, language is German. Something more detailed and advanced will take place in May, probably...
  • Bill

    I am a service tech, Love to compare espresso machines, I am the one who see the units from the inside and rate details from where it matters,detail such as construction of panels, Boilers, Valves , Pipe size, accessibility when working on espresso machines because remember the longer It takes me to repair the unit the more customer will pay, I rather change a part in a few minutes versus 2 hours were I can do other jobs, also replacement parts cost , to the grease used on fittings if any. Why dose all this matter , The more durable the unit is made the longer it will last, The easy way to have access to any defective parts in the machine means less down time. I can go on and on but I have many overhauls to do so for now if anyone looking for advice I can only provide after works hours which means about 9:30 to 10 Pm western time. Yes I do work almost 12 to 15 hours a day and I LOVE EVERY MINUTE.
  • Roberto Trevisan

    Ciao from Prague, good coffee at all:-)
  • Jesse -D->

    hey nik,
    Thanks for the good words. I used the aero press to extract the flavors from Malt, Barley and Hops to make a beer inspired signature drink. I got into the finals at my regional competition and that made me happy, I'll do better next year.

    As far as being hard on people with stupid questions. I think that the specialty coffee industry should concentrate on educating the public (especially in the US) and part of that is to be a welcoming and considerate as possible. So no I don't think we should be hard on people, just be honest and helpful and we will all be better for it. Keep up the good work and in your words VIVABARISATA!
  • Amaretto

    Thank you Nik! :) We will need your help for our championship.By the way
    I have some photos with you from Beograd.Would you want to send you?
  • Carlo Grenci

    Hi, Nik thanks for adding me as friend on BX, although we were already friends in common life. .... I see that You are always in very good company with the best coffee blends made by WBChampions....Eliscaffè looks great on the photo gallery, and I see that You have bought a La Marzocco . What about Your E61 Legend?
    I feel some nostalgia for beautiful Zagreb some times.
    If You ever come closer to Napoli pls. don't pass by without calling
  • Carlo Grenci

    in Sicily! always busy with mafia.... hahaha !
    Complimenti for the new place You are going to open; it willsurely be a place with an outstanding, personal style.
    I will pass by some day ... for a good cup of espresso
