Pablo Castaneda


United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee roaster, coffee grower, coffee enthusiast, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Ohio and Antigua Guatemala
How many years have you been in the industry?
24 years
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
The United States, Canada and Europe. I want to share the art of coffee with the rest of the world.
About Me:
I'm a coffee promotor and taster, for me coffee is not a business or a simply beverage, it is my passion, my legacy, and my culture. And because of that I founded Kafes Guatemala. I want to share my coffee and passion with the rest of the world.
About My Company:
Our mission is to strive for new opportunities through
the coffee business to support several Guatemalan organizations and their efforts to gain and sustain local
development opportunities for their communities.

Our vision is to develop a unique market of gourmet coffee buyers and drinkers throughout the entire world, and to share with them the unique taste, flavor and experience of 100% fresh Guatemalan coffee.

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  • Tera Schmeling

    I deleted my mistake so there is no more evidence of me being a dork!!!
  • Heather

    Very cool song Pablo. I am a fan of this kind of music.

    The weather here has been very windy and rainy off and on. I am very ready for it to be hot again, but at least its not snowing and frozen like the rest of the country!

    Have safe and fun travels!!
  • Tera Schmeling

    My friend is back in Eugene, no date for you sorry! :(
  • Tera Schmeling

    Great how are you?
  • Tera Schmeling

  • Tera Schmeling

    That's ok, no worries!!! It was nice talking with you while it lasted!!! You sound like a busy guy!
  • Hugh Mooney

    The weather over the last few days has been typical, beautiful, warm and clear sky. I'm sad to hear about the folks at Fincas. I hope you are in a safe place when in Guatemala. Again, I love your music. Much better than my home-made stuff.
  • Tera Schmeling

    No, I was out having a drink with the girl I was going to introduce you to actually. We had some well needed girl time. Hope your Thursday is going well!
  • Pablo Castaneda

    I wont tell TERA , hahahahahaha
  • Tera Schmeling

    Seriously? I did it again??? Oh and thanks for making fun of me on your site!!! Very nice! I'm telling everyone you hung up on my during our first conversation then!!!
  • Tera Schmeling

    Hey!!! Sorry I've had a crazy day and I'm off to a can check in with me in the morning if you want. Hope you are having a good day!!! :)
  • Tera Schmeling

    So I'm around now! :)
  • James Spano

    Hi Pablo. I"m on lake Atitlan right now, but in the next couple week am making a trip up to Antigua to look at green coffees. I'd be interested in visiting your farm to try some samples.
  • scott conary

    Info looks good....not sure when I cna make it work, but it is good to have the info and option for us and be able to offer it to clients.
    How long are you in Atlanta for?
  • scott conary

    ~6hrs drive north, on route 85.....
  • Tera Schmeling

    Hey there Pablo!

    So you probably think I ditched you when we were talking on the phone, I so did not! :) I went to pick up my daughter and ended up taking her to the doctor the next week to find she had pneumonia, tonsillitis and an ear infection. So I have been out of the office forever just at home with her. Just thought I'd let you know I was ditching you! Hope you are doing well!
  • Tera Schmeling

    PS did you notice I left you a comment and not me! :)
  • Manuel Zarco

    Hola Pablo, mucho gusto. Yo estoy en Guatemala y soy principiante en el mundo del cafe. Trabaja un año en Cafe San Lucas, empresa familiar y ahora me lanzo a una nueva aventura de abrir mi propio cafe. Te felicito por tu pagina, blog y por lo que estas haciendo por el cafe de Guatemala. Especialmente el de Antigua, que es el que mas conozco y uso. Que bueno encontrarte por aqui y ojala que cuando estes en Guatemala podamos compartir una buena taza de cafe Guatemalteco.

  • Manuel Zarco

    Que agradable noticia saber que estas trabajando por poner el nombre de Guatemala en alto, especialmente el cafe que es un producto que tenemos mucho mejor que USA. Pues solo me queda ponerme a las ordenes, tengo mucho camino por recorrer en el mundo del cafe.

    Seguimos platicando y espero poder conocerte en persona pronto. Esta semana abro un cafecito, a ver si lo conoces cuando vengas a Guate. Saludos y conta conmigo en lo que se pueda.
  • WMitro

    I am very serious, but once we get some numbers and such I will get back to you.
  • WMitro

    I think we want to shoot for next summer...
  • Matt Milletto

    Hey Pablo,

    Things are good here! Thanks! Have been staying busy for sure.
  • Jim

    Just got around to listening to your music. I really like it. It sounds like a samba.
  • Yesenia

    Life is great! Thank you for asking.
  • Peter Tam

    Hi Pablo,
    since you are not in Africa, you do not know Kaffa is in Ethiopia, where coffee was firstly found.

    I had not tried the coffee from Guatemala, but we can have it in Starbucks. Somehow, they always roast it too deep and the coffee always have a strong burnt tastes. We can find it in China, or I should say that it is rather popular here. Next time, I shall try it after I buy my own roaster, small one.
  • Linda Aspenson Bergstrom

    it's been a long time..How are you?
  • Manuel Zarco

    pequeño detalle!!! jajajaja.....por novaton.

    pues con gusto te espero aqui cuando podas. El cafe todavia no tiene mucho movimiento y estoy aprovechando para entrenar bien al barista. Me queda muy bien en las mañanas o cuando vos podas. Mi numero de celular es 5008.1150 .

  • Angela

    Hi, Pablo, I am new to the Barista Exchange and was drawn to the coffee growers group, now that I have bought a small farm that my family owned. I loved visiting your web page. The finca is just breathtaking. Maybe some day I'll get to visit, enjoy the scenery, listen to the birds, and taste the wonderful cafe.
  • scott conary

    Getting in late thurssday and not sure how much free time I will have with the competition, but lets meet up on friday and see what we can do, after I check with Don Jose and the rest of the folks at ANACAFE....they often plan events for us before I know it!
    See you soon.
  • Claire Robinson

    thank you Pablo for the good thoughts! its great to have positive feed back.
  • Regina Alleman

    Hello Pablo, It is good to make a connection with you. What did you do on Mercy Ships? Is there a need for volunteer medical teams in Guatemala? I am determined to combine my love for coffee with global health. This is my passion. My dream is to grow my coffee roasting business using fair trade and sustainability principles, connect with farmers coops, and contribute a percentage of company profits back into the community, preferably for health care. I am also interested in organizing volunteer medical teams if it is needed. Thanks for your comments.
  • Jessica

    Oye Pablo su Jessica, su sobrina. Logré encontrar su sitio, yo le pierdo y alot de abuelita, optimistamente yo consigo para ver todos en casa pronto; tomo mi prueba este fin de semana tan básicamente enfermo se gradúa para finales de mes, yo consigo mis resultados en el 19t. Todos los maestros me dijeron que yo shouldnt tiene un problema con mi beacuase que prueba conseguí cuentas altas. ..there's realmente no alot que pasa en mi vida en este momento aparte de ese exept que voy a ver el rocketts en el andsee vigésimo segundo mi mamá mañana por 8 horas y entonces unos pocos días para las Navidades. bien adoro y le pierdo que mucho toma cuidado, Feliz Navidad
    ,diga a abuelita que adoro y la pierdo por favor
    im trying to learn spanish at the moment =]
  • teresa pilarz

    Hola Pablo! Thanks for looking me up! Enjoyed reading your most recent blog entry. Never have been to Guatemala but hope to some day. Recently visited Costa Rica for first time though...and yes hace mucho frío aquí en Michigan!!
  • Mary

    Hi! thanks for the warm welcome! I really do plan on visiting coffee farms some time in the future and I would like to keep you in mindas a resource if that's okay. Right now I am planning on learning about the beans, the roasting, and the business...then I feel I will be prepared to move forward. I'm really hoping to make it to the training offered by CoffeeLab in Vermont in August. Until then I'll be looking for a local roaster to give me the inside scoop and hopefully a peek at their production process. know those roasters from the west coast are infultrating NYC??? So, I better get moving :))
  • Alun Evans

    thanks Pablo, my business partner visited Antigua, I have yet to have the pleasure but hope to in the future. It sounds, and looks in pictures, a great place! You too are always welcome to visit here!
  • teresa pilarz

    hola pablo, qué tal? gracias por tu mensaje. hombre, te digo que tengo tanta pasión por el café pero por desgracia no tiene salida en este momento. no muy lejos en el futuro espero tener mi propio café - los planes estan en proceso pero es complicado por la economía débil aquí. pues, díme que tipo de cafés estás tostanto hoy? que bonito que hayas podido dedicar 15 años de tu vida al café!

    hasta luego - ciao!
  • Jason Shipley

    I'm really looking to source my Guatemalan coffee for the year, I'm not looking for a tourist tour, of course i understand paying for guides expenses ect. At this point I think it would be just my brother Mike and I, the airfare is so cheap right now that I can't pass up the opportunity.
  • Jason Shipley

    I think you misinterpret the value I have for you and your expertise. We should speak further about our trip. I'll be in touch as I figure out the details.

  • teresa pilarz

    Can't's been a beautiful day in MI; a rare 70 degrees in April! Sometimes I can really appreciate global warming. y tú? q pasa en guatemala (o doquiera estés)...
  • Matt Milletto

    Pablo, yes I will be in Vegas for Coffee Fest. You too?
  • Jesse -D->

    I'd love to go to Vegas, but it isn't going to happen. Next time!
  • scott conary

    not sure if I will be in Vegas...will be determined next week....I will keep you posted. How are you? How was harvest? Wish I had time to actually talk to you in Atlanta! Lets talk more about possible tours in the future.
  • Kyle Fraser

    Awesome Pablo!

    I would like to plan a trip for six people from South Africa, and we would prefer to stay in the village to get the real Guatemala experience! I will get in touch when we are ready because we still in the planning phase. Keep well Pablo, thanks for the reply.
  • Jorge De Leon

    Pablo,, que paso... espero que estes bien.. saludos..
  • Kyle Fraser

    That sounds great Pablo..
    My email address is

    I'm looking forward to it! Could you give me an indication on how much we should budget on spending per person while we are there. (accomodation, food etc) We want to have the most authentic experience possible. We would also really like to do some work on the farm! Is that possible?
  • Al Sterling

    Pablo..... I'll be at Coffee Fest, probably later on Friday and early Saturday through mid day? If you want to say "Hola..... or Bom Dia" call me; 949-305-0488.
  • Al Sterling

    When exactly will you be coming into LAX? I leave for San Diego this week to do a trade show. Next week I leave on a business trip to the US East coast. I will be at my home office the weekend before Coffee Fest, and we leave for Las Vegas Wednesday morning. So if you're coming into LA the weekend before Coffee Fest, you may be able to stop on your way to San Diego?
  • Matt Milletto

    Hi Pablo, yes we have a booth at Coffee Fest. 522 ... can't wait to meet you!
  • Al Sterling

    Pablo..... I'll look forward to hearing from you, hopefully before we leave for Vegas, but certainly when we're there. You have my number. My schedule may require me to run to San Diego tomorrow, Tuesday. Just call me. I'm presenting a training seminar to clients in Las Vegas on Friday around noon, and will try to get to the show later in the afternoon. But I'll spend most of Saturday at the exposition.
  • Al Sterling

    OK then...... I'll wait for your call. As for the spam-advertisement, or propaganda as it's called in Brasil, it's just that........ junk mail. Matt may be able to delete it from all of the comment sections, I don't know.