Scott Bruggman



United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
industry professional, supplier
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Chico,CA / Denver,CO and anywhere between
How many years have you been in the industry?
3 years off and on
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I travel the country and sell gourmet chocolate and coffee sauces to distributors and coffee shops. I also get to sharpen on my barista skills while making countless mochas and judging Barista competitions west of the Mississippi.
I also get to play in the lab every now and then pairing espresso and chocolate along with assisting in the development of gourmet sauces for big name coffee shops and franchises.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Would love to travel to any locations of Origin for both Chocolate and Coffee

I would love to go back to Europe to enjoy all the great culinary delicacies that only Europe could offer.
About Me:
I am a recent college graduate of Johnson & Wales University in Denver. I have a BS in Culinary Nutrition and a AS in Culinary Arts. I also concentrated in Food Sciences.
On the Personal side beside coffee and chocolate:
I love to Snowboard, Skateboard, Travel, drinking cheap margaritas and good home brewed beers.
Not gonna lie I'm addicted to Facebook and now the BX.

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  • Steve Kessler

    Great talking to you as well. I look forward to those samples. We'll see ya at Coffee Fest Chicago!
  • Andy Newbom

    howdy former chico dude!
  • Silence

    Hi Scott

    Do you live in TX?
  • Silence

    I am just impressive that you flew all the way from Denver. I was kinda drunk that night...almost a bottle of wine....., :p
  • Steve MacDowall

    I like the new photos keep them coming - Steve
  • Lauren Yoon

    yo dawg. i have no idea how i got all those pictures.
  • ben brown

    Hey Scott! I may make it down to Tacoma on Saturday evening/Sunday, but my coworker Ryan will be there the whole time. Sounds like it will be a great time, the hotel looks sweet. I'm sure Jay from Dillano's won't miss any details for a fantastic event. Check you later!

    Hi Scott, & thanks for the welcome. glad you like our concept. one day we hope to have a fleet of sail import coffee boats from all over the world franchise with sailboats only as a power source, not fuel . our boat might have sunk , but are dreams have not. thanks again

    el lago coffee

    hi i am in tx -female - my little brother is in ohio - he made comment - I AM FEMALE FORREST GUMP- lol


  • Miles Small

    Hi Scott...Thanks for the nice words and thanks for the welcome.

    Hi scott, trading samples sound fine to me- i mostly do the green , i have some costa rica tres rios- dalton antiqua & 2 arabicas from dalton estate guat., on the green bean swap- acually i only do flavored coffee for a few of my customers - i haven't got the flavored in the store yet, next week on that. do you flavor your own coffee? i have tried to research on the web how to do it , and even got samples from a coffee flavoring co. , but they dont say how much to use per pound. any help you can give me in that area would be greatly appericated. i just sent 1 lb of the costa rica - and 1 lbs of the guat antiga for brent miller to roast review & give me feedback on - he should have the green beans sat. i also sent him samples of the 2 coffees we roasted so they can compare. he said he would probably do a video on the review, i hope so. would you like some samples of the green i have? i have tasted samples from guat- mexico- india - indonesia- bolivia , kenya- and of course the KONA- never tried the blue mountain yet. i contract the flavored coffee out - i have cho. fugde pecan - butterscotch toffee, vanilla- they are excellent & texas pecan- irish creme -ameretto- and i just recently ordered some kona from a broker for a kona blend that i want to get into the market for valentines day. so let me know if you want to sample any of the green - i only ship like 3 oz of the green for roasting 1 pot or 2 oz. of roasted or the flavored coffee, and thats all i want from you if you want to do some swapping - just let me know. take care & have a great weekend - and dont for get the instructions on how much flavoring to use on flavored coffee.thanks
    el lago coffee

    Hi Scott, would love to try your samples- i will also send you some of my coffee too, ROASTED- the redcloud finest & skippers is a great antigua guatemala coffee, and then the Costa rica coffee we just did is getting some real good feedback on . send me your adress to - so i can send you samples of our coffee also, i will send our reg. coffee & some flavored & we can compare.--p/s 2 oz whole bean samples will be fine - ( i haven't found the a really good chocolate i like, although i must say the chocolate fudge pecan i have is the best so far), can't wait to sample your chocolate. I will ship your coffee regular post office. my physical addy is:

    PIER 10 SLIP 5

    Thanks again Scott,
    El Lago Coffee

    Hi Scott, will have the samples in the mail tomorrow. please let me know when you recieve & what you & your friends, co-workers think . p/s Icott, I tried to research your site- all i could find was syrup add to coffee after brewed- i need a flavoring for roasted beans to add flavor, does your company have that too? thanks if so please send info on pricing & amount with samples please.

    Thanks again ,

    El lago Coffee,

    Hi again Scott, please send the samples- i have a resturant & a grocery store i sell to, maybe they might want to buy your product. Also i will introduce the product to my customers that buy my flavored coffee beans, and see what they think - (add to the coffee after brewed or do you still want the flavored beans?, and i will see what their input is on that . Also does your company sell wholesale? so i can make a profit too ,on what i sell that i buy from you? and what size do the flavors come in & prices - please send info with samples & contact info.

    Thanks again,

    El Lago Coffee,

    Hi again Scott, quickest e-mail to me is - or if you need a business e-mail -

    Thanks again & yes I would probably need smaller amounts for what i am doing at this time , so the austin connection would be great.
    Thanks again ,

    Ellago Coffee

    After huricane IKE - we tried to help out a winery - heres the story.

    "The Task at Hand " - no hyperlink - search the web for it.
  • elvin

    Likewise! it was a pleasure having you there helping out. Nothing like having great help.

    see you next time, where ever that is.

  • Mo Hautala

    Hey there... How goes it? .... It goes well here in WY. As far as the mrbc, I am going to try and make it there Saturday to support some of my fellow co-workers. Next time you are in Laramie, definitely stop by coal creek. =]
  • Anna Gutierrez

    Skee ball rematch?! Bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You don't scare me. was definitely a blast getting to know you this last weekend. See ya around the coffee block!
  • Mo Hautala

    I didn't see you at the competition. I was only able to make it for a short time on Saturday. I had to drive another barista back to WY to make it to work on time... Hope you enjoyed it. I know I sure did. =] Hit us up next time you come through Laramie.
  • Mo Hautala

    Yeah, that is a bummer... but yes, most definitely hit us coal creekers up when you come through the WYO. But yeah, I am proud of all my friends, especially Jesse who came in 2nd. Whoop.... Anywho, safe travels. Hope you enjoy all upcoming events...
  • Josh Ferguson

    when you get time shoot me a copy of the chocolate flavor wheel. nice meeting you....see you in a few weeks at the midwest
  • Frank McGinty


    Good meeting you in Denver, look forward to seeing everyone is STL. I got copied on the choc. flavor wheel, looks great. Let us know you ETA for St. Louis
  • Alex Pond

    Thanks so much. it was a rad competition cant wait for Portland!!
  • Ryan Klineman

    Thanks Scott for all your hard work. I hope to meet again .
  • Chris Haines - Sunshine Dairy Foods

    Sounds pretty hard to resist. The cold I had in Tacoma didn't lend itself to the best performance, so I might have to do better.
  • Benza Lance

    Dude, the pleasure was all mine man! See you in portland in march, if not sooner!
  • Robbie Britt

    definitely great to see you. pdx isn't that far away so i'm sure i'll see you soon!
  • Urnex/Puro Caff®

    Great to see you in Denver too. "Urnex" will be in Chicago. So we should definitely catch up at some point.
  • Dallas Fowler

    Hey, you too, thanks for all the great feedback!
  • Tony Dreyfuss

    Thanks, Scott!

    For Real,

  • Miguel

    saw you on Ustream, that's awesome your judging the USBC! i wish i could have done it was the 2 day certificatioin?
  • Joe Marrocco

    Thanks man! It was great to see you too. I would have hung around a bit more, but i was trying to not get too buddy buddy with the judges. But!! You should totally get out to St. Louis some time. I'd love to cup some coffee with you. You guys have such awesome pallates. Open invite, anytime.
  • Frank McGinty

    You too, always good judging with you. I'll keep you posted on our travel plans for ATL, thanks for the passes. Let me know if your ever planning on making it back through St. Louis anytime soon.
  • Kari Guddeck

    Hey Scott! Thanks for dinner x 2. I'll see you in a couple of weeks...we'll talk Ghana.
  • Kari Guddeck

    Zing is right!
  • Travis Smith

    yeah, dang scott i pretty much suck in that department. my cafe manager was going to try all the varieties you sent me, and get me some feedback, but i have not seen it. i dropped her a line just now. i get back in the office on the 27th, but will hopefully have some feed back from her and others at the cafe long before then. her location goes through the bulk of it and their instructions were to let some regulars sample them as well. anyway, peace out, hope all is well and i will most likely see you in Atlanta if your going.
  • Tyler Stevens

    Scott, I would love some more info on those Aurailas that may be for sale in a few months. Feel free to drop me an email.
  • Ellie Matuszak

    great to meet you in PDX! Good luck with the crazy travel schedule and I'll see you in Atlanta. Please LMK if you want to volunteer for any espresso labs!
  • Douglas Naiman

    Hey Scott-
    We enjoyed having you in our place, and look forward to future visits.

  • Miguel

    hey, i tried some of that spicy chocolate sauce with Metropolis espresso, pretty tasty i was stoked as far as mochas goes
  • S.a.a.d.i.a

    You're welcome and I am enjoying the Ghana!
  • S.a.a.d.i.a

    Let us know what day you might stop by so we will be here and so we can talk about the Ghana and the WBC.
  • Matt Swenson

    Absolutely Scott. It was great to meet you too. I am sure we will meet again sooner than later.
  • S.a.a.d.i.a

    We will both be here.
  • S.a.a.d.i.a

    So sorry we missed you, I should have let you know when we usually leave.
  • Douglas Naiman

    Scott, glad you enjoyed the Panama. Intelligentsia gets all the credit though.
  • Josh Ferguson

    i'm not going to make coffee fest vegas since the southwest regional was postponed, but i'm sure we will bump into each other soon. i hope to make 2-3 regionals this year + if all goes well kaldi's will host the midwest. Talk to you soon.
  • S.a.a.d.i.a

    Hey, sorry I missed you.
    I've been pretty busy and have not logged on here for a bit. Maybe I'll see you next time you stop in.
  • Selina

    Hey Scott! It was cool having u stop by, I love it when people I meet on BEx come to the shop!