Les Stoneham

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee roaster, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Cincinnati, OH USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I've been a barista since opening the Rohs Street Cafe in Cincinnati in 2003. Since then I've helped various other shops open around the Cincinnati area and surrounding region. I've competed in regional and US barista competitions. I currently work with the Espresso Guild & La Terza Coffee as a trainer and consultant. I spend part of my time working in a community of coffee farmers and their families in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala. My non-profit, Deeper Roots Development assists in developing and marketing their coffee, La Armonia Hermosa.
About My Company:
The Espresso Guild is a reseller of the finest espresso equipment in the industry. We have among the best collections of semi-professional espresso machines in the industry, and we are leaders in the movement towards "not for profit community coffeehouses".

La Terza Coffee is a roastarie in Cincinnati bringing a quickly growing list of coffeehouses and restaurants the best beans in the city and beyond.

Deeper Roots Development is a non-profit organization organized to facilitate small-farmer development in under-resourced communities. We build long-term sustainability through asset-based community and farm development, fostering equitable buyer-grower relationships and
promoting their products to an engaged consumer base in the states.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The people

Comment Wall:

  • Shanna

  • )on Lewis

    I got the La Armonia... muchas gracias! Unfortunately, I got it right before the last few chaotic weeks of moving and I'm now a long way from a sample roaster. I WILL roast it up - I'm eager to taste... and will get back to you.

    Happy new cup.
  • )on Lewis

    All my ideas are unconventional.
  • Michelle

    Hey Les -
    I am working on a story for barista magazine and wondering if you could tell me what flavors you were pairing in your specialty drink with what flavors in the espresso. Your drink is going to be a great example for my article and I want to get it right (especially considering I didn't get to take home the scoresheet with all my flavor notes on it - of course, neither did you).
    Hope you are well and hope to see you in Portland. Let me know the flavors if you would as soon as you can.
    Michelle, GLRBC Judge and fellow coffee-slinger
  • mike perry

    I was a distributor but seems everyone is gone. Any contact info would be great.

  • Alun Evans

    Hey Les, thanks for the connection request. Sure, no problem hooking up. Would be interested to know what area your are looking at working in...assuming Sumatra? I am here for the next month then will be in NZ for about 2 weeks. Have to head back here as have a NGO visiting in August.
  • Alun Evans

    Gidday Les, good talking to you yesterday. Hope the trip to Kerinci is going well. Look forward to meeting you in either Jakarta or in Singapore. Happy trails, Alun