Ben Cram




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner, coffee roaster, home barista, coffee enthusiast
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Victoria BC
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
Former fine dining chef, turned coffee roaster. Bought a little cafe with a vintage German roaster and fell in love the first time I heard first crack.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
People, and drinking coffee

Comment Wall:

  • Pablo Castaneda

    What types of coffee u work???? Do you roast Guatemalan arabica???? let me know. best regards

    Pablo Castaneda
  • Stickman

    Hi Ben. I have been to the Parsonage many times although not much since I moved to Sooke (8 years ago!)
    If you're coming out Sooke-way let me know - or better yet, stop by and demand an espresso!
    To get to the Stick you need to turn right at the PetroCan, take the first left and look fopr the sign on the left side.
    Thanks for getting back to me,
  • Stickman

    Nope, not in the past 13 months. Congratulations on taking over the shop.
    Are you roasting and blending your own espresso?
  • Stickman

    What kind of improvements are you trying to make?
  • Stickman

    That all sounds great.

    You might want to get to know Geir from Drum Roasters in Cobble Hill. He is one of the original owners of Serious but sold when there were only 2 shops, said they weren't ready to expand so much and so quickly. He is a super-nice guy, an amazing barista and a fine roaster. Also the 3rd member of the Vancouver ISland Coffee Taster's Guild! There are periodic Barista jams at his shop.

    I think Geir would be happy to talk to you about any roasting issues you have.

    Anything I can do to help? I'd be happy to buy a few pounds of espresso and let you know what I think if you're amenable to that kind of input.

    Also, if you still have the old Cimbali Jr I know someone who might be interested in it for an odd-ball project.
  • Stickman

    Oops, I see you already know Geir! Anyway he's a knowledgeable and good guy.
  • Stickman

    Not open SUndays...It's the day I go undercover and try espresso at other cafes! I might be in town on Thursday...When do you close?
  • geir oglend

    Hi Ben, welcome to the coffee biz. sorry I took so long to get back to you.
    I'm very familiar w/ your shop as Rob was a good friend for many years.
    Hope things are good, I will stop by sometime, or if you are in my neck of the woods please stop in.
  • Stickman

    thanks Ben. Did you use Craigslist or Used Victoria for youyr job listing?
  • Stickman

    I have to apologize for not getting back to you on the espresso. I don't know what it was like because one of the baristas didn't understand why it was on the counter and poured the bag into the grinder hopper and it got all mixed up with the other espresso. How did your changes go?

    Hope all is well,
  • J.P. Oughtred

    yo I'm out of here at the end of next week role by or call if you want to look at some brewers. 883 5100
  • Sam Jones

    Hey there Ben. 2 weeks eh?! You must be getting excited.
    Anytime I can help, I will. are you going to Seattle?
  • Sam Jones

    yup! What are you going for? Seminars, cafes, gadgets, or social?
    I'm going with Dave from the Stick in the Mud Cafe. Drinks are mandatory!
  • Sam Jones

    I'll ask. What half are you looking at?
  • Sam Jones

    I see Chris tonight . What are you prepared to offer. It is barely used and originally sold for 8,500 plus tax and shipping. Make him an offer.
    my phone is on
    have a great day Ben!
  • Its Magnifico

    whats the haps, I emailed you from here but not sure it was sent, My head baker will be in your area this weekend for some cookies!! Her name is Jane. Trying to get to your area soon, Thinking around Christmas if not sooner. Will give you a heads up. Has your new roaster started yet?? Send me a sample of your goods, I'll do the same. Need address
  • Sam Jones

    you know that you can pick on me whenever you like! When I am in Metchosine (home) my cell does not work.
    508-5282 cell
    995-1690 home

    no baby yet!!!! arg!
    with the vac sealers go big or go home. It is all in the bags!
    The idea of vacing green beans is a good one though. I am open to further research on the subject. It is only a matter of time before I figure it out!
  • Banks Thomas

    I will stop by sometime. Hopefully things will slow down after Christmas and I will have time to visit Victoria, it looks like a cool place.
  • Sam Jones

    oh yeha!!!!! Baby girl. Both are happy and healthy. a beautiful Juniper Jane Jones. I will post pics soon.
    Cheers Ben,
  • Steve MacDowall

    Hello Ben, greetings from the other side of Canada, the east coast, It's cold and is snowing at the moment. I hope you are having better weather - Steve
  • Steve MacDowall

    Thanks for adding me to your list - have a great weekend - Steve
  • Sam Jones

    hey Ben I have been neglecting my page, sorry.
    hey you and me both for the print ad. I also wanted to do postcards, photos, general marketing!!!!
    There are no copyrights as far as I know?!!?!?!
    He did not seem too enthusiastic though so I am looking around. I will let you know if I find anyone to "engrave".
  • Colin Newell

    Blogged the experience today -
  • Alun Evans

    Hey Ben, would love to know the story of that roaster of yours...
  • Colin Newell

    West Coast Coffee Traders - Gibsons, B.C. - Dave Cleve
    is the contact there -
  • J.P. Oughtred

    Its changed in the system but my assistent is away but back monday and she is going to send the updated pricing to you. Have a good weekend. I'll call you next week.
  • Sam Jones

    Yeh I can top that Skid up for you let me know what day you are placing the order.
  • deg whittall

    Thanks WILL get free samples of first crop,count on it.Thanks for sending me to this site,i think it will educate me and always nice to talk cafe.Have a great summer.Cheers,Deg
  • Nuova Simonelli

    Thank you Ben. I will pass on our note to Gianni and Ben. Hope to meet you soon and try your espresso. Roberto.
  • scott conary

    Congrat's ! Brent told me it was a great event and I hope to be able to come to the Nationals if time allows.....take care!
  • Matt Milletto

    Hey Ben,

    Yes, great meeting you too. We came by the roasterie the next day and hung with Rob for a bit. Keep up the good work!

    Totally sucks about Rob not getting the wild card position, confusing and BS in my opinion.

    Talk to you guys soon!

    - Matt
  • Matt Milletto

    Dude that is great news! What are the dates? I'd love to drive up for the comp.

    - Matt
  • Jay Caragay

    Vancouver would be fun. The organizers called me after the Western Regionals to see if I would like to come out and MC the nationals but I haven't heard from them since. So, I would have to guess No, I won't be out in Vancouver this fall. Would love to though.
  • Stickman

    Ben baby!
    Congratulations on Fernwood's Amazing Success in the competitions.
    Out in Sooke my little Diedrich has arrived but there's no chimney as yet. The contractor brought in an incorrect pipe 3 weeks ago and we're hoping he can finish the install this week. Otherwise I'll just get a drier vent and snake it out the window! It'll all be fine...
    I was reading some of your comments on small bean brokers on another thread...Good info, thanks. Any groovy new beans you're anticipating?
  • Stickman

    I am VERY interested in an island roasters/buyers co-op. keep me updated n that. WHen can I try your Blue Mtn?
    Also, do you have any leftover double-walled, stainless, pressure-vented, chimney pipe? My engineer negelected to order when I sent him the info and we're looking at ANOTHER 10 weeks before sparking up the little black Diedrich...Any leads on pipe?
  • Stickman

    I'm well baby, how are you?
    I'm just loading up the iPod before the new week.
    Any recommendations?
  • Stickman

    Yeah, 16 hours repeats every day and a half when you're open 10 hours. 5 days a week...Crikey. Staff usually plays their own stuff but some defer to my playlist. I should get a little laptop and run live365 through it.
    Just dl'd Mother Mother and Aldo Vanucci. Also Thom Yorke - the singer from Radiohead...I am SUCH a 40 year old man.
    What's coming for you and new beans? I have a Honduran I'm having trouble with. Just tastes boring and I've tried a few different profiles on it. Maybe it'll age well.

    I might order more than one pallet next time as my espresso takes up 6 or 7 bags per order. If you want to talk about sharing a pallet from some interesting broker let me know.
  • Stickman

    Black Keys are good but just a bit overplayed. Had a Barista who brought it in a few months ago.

    You know what's funny? The spell check on this site offers corrections for 'barista'