Melody On

Vancouver, BC


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Vancouver, BC, Canada
How many years have you been in the industry?
New to the industry
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I am currently employed as a Registered Nurse in Vancouver, BC and have dreams to operate my own coffee shop. Hopefully I will be able to step into part-time positions within the health care field and within my business.
About My Company:
I am still solidifying my concept and therefore have not yet built my website.

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  • Michael Oughtred

    No worries Mel, thanks for emailing back. Whenever you are ready just give me a buzz and we would be happy to help with training, product info, equipment sourcing, etc... Good luck and we hope to chat soon!

    Ciao for now!
  • sophie

    I am trying to start a coffee shop with a budget of $ 35,000. Filling this out would greatly help me. I am disabled and trying to get off of uncle sam's payroll. Also any advice is appreciated. i am in my business planning stage at the begning balnace statement. My head just spins
    from talking about it!

    1 What kind of coffee machines do you use
    2 How long do they last
    3 How much is the rent for your store
    4 After you found your location for your store, what condition was it in
    and how much did you spend to fix up?

    5 How much is store insurance a month
    6 how much are your utlities
    7 When you were first in business did you ever need a payroll loan,
    if yes how long did it take for your credit to become established to get a loan

    8 how many differnt types of coffee do you brew a day
    9 How many employees do you have a day
    10 How many pounds of beans do you order in a week
    11 Ball park customers and cash take in a month
    12 how big is your store and town located in
    13 do most of your customers live or work in town
    14 what hours are your shop open
    15 how long has your shop been open
  • Melody On

    Hi Sophie, I'm currently in the Business Planning stage as well. Depending on where you are, you may or may not be able to start up with a budget of $35,000 because you have to include operational costs to cover the first year before you break even. I'm trying to be conservative and after adding numbers together, I'm finding that I will need at least $200,000. However, I am looking at a prime location in Vancouver, BC. and our lease rates here are expensive. $38 per square foot.

    What I did do was attend Bellissimo Coffee InfoGroup's barista school "American Barista and Coffee School" in Portland, Oregon. They were very helpful and provided me with a great foundation to start with. Ask for Bruce Milletto.