All Blog Posts (1,797)

Ending the day on a 1:55 high note

While the day at the cafe was a bit of a low swing on the current day to day economic roller coaster ended on a good note. Popped over to the roaster location for a quick session roasting for a wholesale order pickup in the morning. 32lb greens roasted and bagged in 1hr 55min from unlocking to locking the door. Not too shabby for an officially 3k rated roaster! Four 8lb batches roasted and bagged in under 2 hours including roaster warm up, cool down, and clean up. Never regretted paying the… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on March 26, 2009 at 6:51pm — No Comments

Becoming a Coffee Roaster

How does someone become a coffee roaster if they have no prior experience?

Added by Ashlynn Carroll on March 25, 2009 at 4:40pm — 1 Comment

Welcome to Spring!

Posted by: Steve Hawthorne

Today we begin serving our 2009 Garden Blend. We've brought together coffees from Brazil and Ethiopia to form this year s Spring time treat. Here s what our coffee pro s had to say about Garden Blend:

2009's Garden Blend is a complex coffee displaying an initial gush of blueberry flavor followed by a hint of nuttiness and earthy flavor. The coffee finishes with a pleasant liveliness with a hint of pepper that leaves an enjoyable aftertaste. The… Continue

Added by Stone Creek Coffee Roasters on March 25, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

A Perfect Cappuccino: A Benefit for Coffee Kids

Hey, everyone, just wanted to let you know that I have nailed down the date for the screening of A Perfect Cappuccino. The other details are still a little sketchy but I will keep you posted on this blog and on facebook. Right now, the only thing certain is that the movie will be shown on April 14th.

I can probably show it as early as 5 or as late as 8. Somewhere in between these two times is what you can expect.

Also, I'm trying to acquire a good espresso machine for a… Continue

Added by Zechariah White on March 25, 2009 at 10:17am — No Comments

Starbucks redefines macchiato

Added by Melissa Allison on March 25, 2009 at 9:42am — 1 Comment

New Owners = confusion.

A few months ago the shop that I work at has been bought out by people who live down the street from the old owners. As soon as they took over, they started fixing things that needed to be fixed for a long time.

After a while of fixing things, I think that the new owners realized just how much work it would be for them to completely fix the store. They also have not had any sort of coffee shop experience and know nothing about what it is like to work behind the counter. (The previous… Continue

Added by Heather Clark on March 25, 2009 at 7:32am — No Comments

Cowboy coffee thank you

I thank you all for your comments on my $.25 a cup issue. If I am ever near where ya'll have invited me, trust me, I'll be there. We need an emblem of some sort to signify who is on the Barista Exchange. A big BE on the door, A small BE somewhere in the store... Something to signify who we are. Let's think about it. Bigger things have started with much less reason. Ask Bill Gates. LOL

Yes I understand the economy is going here and there and prices always go up.

But, It… Continue

Added by Al on March 24, 2009 at 7:44pm — No Comments

happy I make my heart!!!

today Iam very happy,I made my (first)nice ,very nice heart in a cup,I made a most tasting and sweet espressos...the coffee was perfect,a litlle more roasted that usually but the texture was a heaven!!!


Added by Maria Nerea Fidalgo on March 24, 2009 at 3:12pm — No Comments

Fuel Coffee owner writes the book on Seattle's coffee scene

Added by Melissa Allison on March 24, 2009 at 8:06am — No Comments

this site

I've become quite enamored with Batista exchange. All of my previous attempts at social networking via web sites have stagnated and died due to apathy. This site however continues to facinate me much as coffee continues to. I can honestly say that I've learned more about the nuance of pulling a shot of espresso than in years of trial and error. There is also the people. Here I'm likely to meet intellegent individuals of passionate reason guided interest rather than the common social networking… Continue

Added by John Cunningham on March 23, 2009 at 6:15pm — 1 Comment

New S.O. Brazil, Fazenda Marimbondo - Carmo de Minas

New crop from the Brazilian Highlands of Carmo de Minas is in.

Tasty stuff with lots of layers. The acidity is uncharacteristically muted in this high altitude example from Fazenda Marimbondo. Instead of the sweet cherry-lemonade vibe it has an interesting "candy in the cup" thing going on. Almond Roca comes to mind. Notes as follows...

Acid 6.5

Body 7.5

Texture 8

Flavors - At the grind hazelnut, almond, toffee and chocolote. Hint of orange citrus acid, not… Continue

Added by on March 23, 2009 at 4:43pm — No Comments

Saturday after dinner Aloha Hills Americano

Drinking an after dinner Aloha Hills Americano. Very nice rich Kona! In truth I haven't drunk that much of it been so off into other coffees. Like Panama Esmeralda Gesha 4 or 5 times a week first cup of the morning for months. But I've been ignoring Kona for long enough to really appreciate it's smooth rich balance again. I drank so much Kona for so many years kind of became "normal" and somewhat became ho-hum losing it's appeal. But not this cup. All deep, rich and smooth with a delicate… Continue

Added by Mike McGinness on March 21, 2009 at 7:08pm — No Comments

Cowboy Coffee

Whatever happened to regular ole Cowboy Coffee? $.25 a cup, Hot, black, and strong enough to float a horse shoe in. Now we're talking about my taste in coffee. When ya wanna spice it up, put a little sugar in it. To make it really wild, put honey.


Added by Al on March 21, 2009 at 6:29pm — 7 Comments

Portafilter Double Spout Problems - any suggestions?

So, we have not had any problems with our portafilters on any of our Nuova Simonelli espresso machines in the past but we just bought 2 new machines and the trouble began.

When we put the double spouts on each portafilter, they turn past center and end up being sideways (shot classes would be front and back and not side to side).

Before I tell you what I have tried, do you have any suggestions? It is about to drive me mad.

Also, before I get tons of posts about… Continue

Added by Jason Duncan on March 21, 2009 at 8:29am — 6 Comments

Recommendations for an espresso machine for a new cafe

I am opening a new cafe in Ontario Canada in a few months time and I am looking for your opinions on the best machines for the money. I have only worked on the La Marzocco so something similar to that is what I lean towards. Do I need to buy a brand new machine? I expect my cafe will only do moderate numbers but the location has potential. If I'm only serving 150 - 200 customers a day do you think a 2-group will suffice?

Added by Bev on March 21, 2009 at 7:46am — No Comments

38,000 lbs!

The next shipment of coffee is well on it's way, should arrive Wednesday. 38,000 lbs of el Salvador's finest. Man it's going to be a busy couple of weeks. The way good news is that our mill hired this guy jorge (hor-hey) who is the second higest ranked cupper in the world right now, and some of the lots on this next container are getting scores in the mid 90's! We'll also get some more naturals and some traditionaly washed coffees. All and all I'm pretty stoked.

Well wish us luck and… Continue

Added by John Cunningham on March 21, 2009 at 6:40am — No Comments

Jitterz Café Spring '09 News

Jitterz in the News

Well, Kaye B. in my own made-up news...close enough. I’ve got a new coffee blog. Dig it at: Confessions of A CoffeeJunkie. Browse around and check out some of the links to great coffee while you are there! To copy and paste the link into your browser:

What's Roasting? Toasted Cinnamon and Wild Berries!

I fell in love with El… Continue

Added by CoffeeJunkie on March 20, 2009 at 9:50am — No Comments

Nuova Simonelli!!!!

We got a new machine! Long over due, but well worth the wait. After attending the NERBC with my boss, it was obvious that we could use some new equipment. Happily we decided on the simonelli used at competition, and i am glad to say that all employees and costumers are very satisfied with the decision. I thought I used to get excited when someone ordered anything espresso related, but that was nothing compared to what I feel now, pure love!

Added by Jaimie Rae Weidner on March 19, 2009 at 7:03pm — 1 Comment


This blog is dedicated to fellow barista who have unfortunately encountered those customers. Now I dont mean the usual teenage annoyances or the mom who had a bad day or the old man who feels the world owes him special service for his infinite wisdom... I mean the strange habited folk who feel the need to grace the public with their habits that should be kept within the walls of their home.

First lets talk about one saturday morning gentleman. The usual routine is greet,… Continue

Added by K-SAKI on March 18, 2009 at 6:30pm — 5 Comments


When did this site go from a site for specialty coffee industry professionals to a social network of susie posting photos of her cat and betty posting photos of her boyfriend? What's the point?

Added by Nutley Stylz on March 18, 2009 at 8:11am — 1 Comment

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