All Blog Posts (1,797)

La Macchina and La Manna

In the school of traditional thought concerning espresso, there seems to be a consistent focus on primary characteristics that attribute to the quality of espresso extraction. Undoubtedly, two primary factors in espresso quality are the equipment and the the person using the equipment. Needless to say, a high caliber machine only produces quality espresso when used by a well-trained, well skilled, and knowledgeable barista and vice versa. This seems to be common sense in our line of work. We… Continue

Added by Chris DeMarse on July 8, 2008 at 1:26pm — 1 Comment

New Single Origin Arrivals

Digging two new single origin coffees as both press and espresso:

Guatemala “La Virgen”

Acid: 6

Body: 7

Texture: Carbonated, milk chocolate.

Flavor: Spicy sweet seed fruits like cherry, strawberry and blackberry reminiscent of Harrar coffee from Ethiopia. Tinder box spices, with a milky cocoa body. Sparkly start with smooth sweet finish. Fairly simple and direct in flavor and presence, not huge but not small either. Intriguing departure from the normal… Continue

Added by on July 7, 2008 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Best summer drink?

What's your best summer drink.
Not most popular but favourite.
The one with the most redeeming features...

Added by Stickman on July 6, 2008 at 9:35pm — 4 Comments

Temple 1 - *$ 0

That's right.
This past holiday weekend saw the closing of a Starbucks right around the corner from us at Temple. We've heard reports this is in part of their 600 shop closings, but lets face the fact: Temple is the reason. Superior drinks, service, and levels of barista hotness. The Green Goddess aint got shit on us.

Added by Benza Lance on July 6, 2008 at 3:35pm — 1 Comment

Bodum Santos Electric for the 4th

We purchased the Bodum Santos Electric from my friend Shannon at Coffee and Crema of… Continue

Added by Wilson Hines on July 6, 2008 at 8:00am — 4 Comments

Happy 4th of July!

Added by Matt Milletto on July 4, 2008 at 9:22pm — No Comments

Ride On!!

Hey e'erbody
You should definately check out the "RIDE ON!!" event we at Temple, in conjunction with Barefoot, are doing. Its going to be hella sweet, and so awesome you'll probably have to change you pants a few times. Yeah. Do it.
Plus, we can get burritos.

Added by Benza Lance on July 2, 2008 at 2:25pm — 1 Comment

Introducing...Milwaukee Blend!

Posted by: Steve Hawthorne

From a city that has always known how to work hard comes a coffee that works as hard as you do. Milwaukee Blend is a well-crafted combination of strength, balance, and dark-roasted flavor that yields a great tasting, rock solid cup of coffee, time after time. As strong as the bricks that built our city, Milwaukee Blend will give you the fuel to start your day and the muscle to finish your work.…


Added by Stone Creek Coffee Roasters on July 2, 2008 at 10:00am — No Comments

A Code?

15 miles from here a new Starbucks opened a few months ago. It's a drive-thru/walk-up/stand-alone shop in the parking lot of an existing strip mall. There had been a small and successful independent in the main portion of the complex that sold just prior to the Starbucks' opening. There's also a Tim Horton's (big Cdn chain) across the street.

Last night I went in to the old shop to see how things were going. The new owner was there by himself cleaning up behind the counter. I asked… Continue

Added by Stickman on July 1, 2008 at 9:33am — 6 Comments

Cross Country Coffee Adventure

So, I'd like to ride my bicycle all the way from Athens, GA to Seattle, Washington and back stopping along the way at numerous coffee-minded locales.

Ideally, I'd find work at some of these places for several days to a week.

While there, my hosts and I would exchange bits of our respective wisdom and know how. The goal is to tear down barriers that have been created by geography or overly-capitalist drives and to bring the focus at our businesses back to… Continue

Added by Zechariah White on June 29, 2008 at 9:31am — 2 Comments

Do my eyes decieve me?

Bikini Baristas.

Really, they exist. Sadly, it is sweeping the nation. And yeah, they actually wear bikinis...Sometimes less than that. Some have opted to wear bikini bottoms with a scarf that tries,to no avail, to hide their nipples. Not only are these girls demoralizing women in general, but they are doing it at the expence of the Nectar of the Gods. Bikini Baristas are located at the coffee shop Coffee Nation in Salem Oregon. They have opened a company, Bikini Coffee Co. which is… Continue

Added by Jessica Ramsey on June 27, 2008 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

It's good to have friends, but better to have friends who enjoy quality coffee

Today, we sat around enjoying Espresso LaForza from Counter Culture Coffee. My wife and I were joined by a family and church friend. Her two boys and my two girls enjoyed cappuccinos from the Faema S87 two group and as I prepared for my weekly journey to the North East U.S we pressed some… Continue

Added by Wilson Hines on June 26, 2008 at 3:06pm — No Comments

Wonderful Barista Jam & Latte Art Competition

24th June. we had 3rd Tokyo Barista Jam & Latteart Competition @ Cafe & Restaurant Asuka!!!

About 30 baristas gathered from many coffee shops and coffee industrys.

I feel the Network of barisas in Tokyo spreading little by little...

There are more photo of… Continue

Added by Masa Onishi on June 26, 2008 at 8:30am — No Comments

Parable of the Coffeehouse

My favorite metaphysical image from Leaper by Geoffrey Wood

The parable of the coffee shop shows that the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who goes into a coffee shop and orders an espresso. As the man talks across the counter, the coffee guy makes his coffee ands sets the cup and saucer on the counter between them. But the man doesn't drink it; he keeps talking, so the coffee gets cold, useless. The coffee guy pours it out and pulls another, sets it up. The man…

Added by Chris Hooton on June 24, 2008 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Competition Order?

Does anyone know the order of competitors for the WBC? I have been on their site and had a hard time finding out.

Added by Chris DeMarse on June 19, 2008 at 8:08am — 3 Comments

Aerabica Roasters...

Anybody know about the Aerabica's? One has come on the market around here and I can't find out much except that they're not made anymore...

Added by Stickman on June 18, 2008 at 9:14pm — 3 Comments

1st, and perhaps the only blog post...


I'm back on BE, JOY. Glad to see how it's grown. I'll see just how much time I can spare, given LiveJournal, Last.FM, Goodreads, GreenCoffeeBuyingClub (I'm FinerGrind on all) take up.

Hope to be in Yemen later this year looking for variatels and heirloom coffees.

Here is what I'm roasting:

Uganda Bugisu AA (2005-2006 Crop)

Bolivia Cafe Kantati, Villanueva Farm

Ethiopia Organic Idido Misty Valley DP Oct '07 (Sweet… Continue

Added by FinerGrind on June 18, 2008 at 6:44pm — No Comments

Life of Roast.

My life is a turbulent one, working 30 hours shift on two dfferent places and going around the clock, other days i dont have to get up at all. what then pulls me out of bed? I will tell you, it's Kaffebonna, the longing for a great espresso made by Good baristas, it is great.
I don't know what to do without coffee in my everyday life. I like it alot.

Added by anders aasen on June 18, 2008 at 3:31am — No Comments

Bay Area Coffee Fiesta 6/20

Thats right.

Yours Truly will be mashin down I-80 to go hang out with my favorite group: Bay Area coffee cats!!

I hope to include you all in this trip, but since I have the car for a limited time (stolen from the woman), it will be tight. Ritual's (all THREE), Pac Bay, Blue Bottle's, 4th Barrels, and those every tasty 'Footers are on my list. I expect you all to be prepared with the following:

1. whiskey (read: Jameson. If you bring JB, I'll be very unhappy

2. s.o.… Continue

Added by Benza Lance on June 17, 2008 at 10:11pm — 1 Comment

Voice from the Field: Juana Sisimite

Juana Sisimite is an artisan project instructor working with Coffee Kids' partner Association for Sustainable Development of Paraxaj (ADESPA) on their Technical Work Training Program. Sisimite is teaching 26 women from the community of Paraxaj how to create 'fajas' or decorated belts that women in the region use as part of their traditional dress. This artisan project is part of ADESPA's larger goal to create… Continue

Added by Coffee Kids on June 16, 2008 at 4:52pm — No Comments

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