Evan Wilder
  • Male
  • Detroit, MI
  • United States
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
industry professional, consultant, supplier, entrepreneur
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Detroit, USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
A few months
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I am marketing associate for OrGano Gold, a network marketing company. Basically, network marketing makes it easy for ordinary people to become business owners. I enjoy this business because I have a chance to further my financial education while establishing a network marketing to be reckoned. All it took was $200 to jump-start but I knew that more is on the way. One question remains: are you qualified for this?
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I am interested in traveling across and even outside of United States. I want to visit our neighbors across the great oceans. I want to experience the Mediterranean grasslands and sail across Venice. I want to make love in the city of love. I want to ride across the entire world with just my world. I want to see the black hole and escape it and live to tell about it. I want to travel to an alternated universe tonight. I want to travel to a time where prosperity and technology exist coincidentally. I want to rule the world and better all the lives around me. The funny thing is I plan on making all of this true.
About Me:
I am funny, I am suave, I am classy, I am spontaneous, I am unpredictable, I am unforgettable, and I am unique because I am exceptionally original and insane. I am the one and the only. I am Evan Wilder.
About My Company:
I just have to ask you something. Ever gotten up in the morning and asked yourself, "Do I love coffee?". If yes, then I can honestly tell you that there is no coffee like OrGano. Yes, you are more able to lose weight so easily, boost metabolism, and strengthen your immune system but I have a personal reason why this coffee is incredibly tempting...even for me. It’s because that I am more in touch of my body and less trapped in my cluttered mind allowing everything (from conversations and endeavors) to flow naturally.I also chosen this company as a steeping stone into residual income. The people here are increasingly motivated and everlastingly positive. These are people that I can see myself collaborating with for a long time. Whether if you are coffee drinker or want to take the first step into residual income, feel free to contact me.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Learning more about it each day.

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