Greg Everage
  • Male
  • Mill Valley, CA
  • United States
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
home barista
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Mill Valley, California USA
How many years have you been in the industry?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I just brew at home. I was a bartender many years ago and could pull a pretty good coffee. I did win second place in a coffee picking contest at the Kona Coffee Festival in Hawaii.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
You name it and I would love to go there. As long as it was not in a war or a repressed state.
About Me:
My wife and I have a web site that is called Family Eats. Our focus is getting the family back into the kitchen and around the table. Basically changing peoples relationship with food. Our motto is: "Reconnecting with the Food we Eat and the Family we Love".
About My Company:
Family Eats™ brings to life the basic, healthy and life-nurturing elements that are based in food. Its main focus is to illustrate how a family’s involvement in the purchasing, preparation and consumption of meals produces healthier individuals - mentally, emotionally and physically. Family Eats is a life style that will guide the entire family on the journey towards understanding, enjoying and participating in healthy eating habits. It will nurture the family unit by instilling these good habits through family & food traditions, and the process of shopping for, preparing and consuming good food together. Family Eats focuses on the family structure and how it is at the heart of Involved Family Nutrition. By offering options and suggestions on how to make the process enjoyable, this life style encourages everyone in the family to become involved in the eating process – bringing families back around the table to help build positive habits and strengthening the family unit in the process. Family Eats™ supports the nutritional and nurturing needs of each family member, at all stages, and highlights the events that mark and celebrate milestones in this human life. Family Eats™: The Place Families Go to Live.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The people it attracts and of course the product.

What is Family Eats

Our latest video that tries to explain:

"What is Family Eats?"

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