  • Female
  • Wasilla, Alaska
  • United States
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Jennifer's Discussions

What to do about an order not picked up

Started this discussion. Last reply by Mike McGinness Jun 20, 2013. 5 Replies

I'm a very small business, coffee drive through and a small sit-down cafe inside. I have a customer that comes fairly regular. This morning she called in a food and coffee order and never picked it…Continue

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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee shop owner
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Wasilla, Alaska
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I bought a coffee shop almost 7 years ago with a friend in little ol' Wasilla, Alaska. We didn't know much about making coffee, just that we liked to drink it. We've gone to classes, learned from our experienced baristas and have gone to coffee fest in Seattle and have learned so much.
Most of our business comes from our drive thru, but we fill our small cafe on many occasions.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I would love to see Australia, New Zealand, England, or just about anywhere around the world.
About Me:
I've always wanted to own a business. I've worked in the food industry for many years as well as computer and graphic arts. I think all backgrounds have helped me in running a small business. My business partner has built her last two houses so she has so much knowledge in remodeling and design. We work very well together. I highly enjoy all of my baristas and the people that come to see us every day.
About My Company:
My business partner and I own a small drive thru and sit down cafe in Wasilla, Alaska. The cafe was opened probably 15 years ago, but we've owned it for the past 4 years. We grow every year and love it more every year. We have been planning a remodel for the past year or more. We have a small staff of four, plus us two owners, and in the summer we ad an extra person or two. I try to schedule a new artist every month to have a show and it's amazing how quickly local artists fill up my book.
Our baristas are the friendliest and fastest. (We don't do latte art, which is a shame but you have to live here in lil' ol Wasilla to understand the nature of these people.)
We serve all types of coffee, smoothies, frappes, Italian sodas and many canned and bottled drinks. We have a very small menu with foods we plan on changing.
Our longest barista has been with us for almost 5 years and two others have come back to work for us after trying out other careers. We are certainly a family and treat all of our customers the same.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
Learning something new all the time, the baristas and the customers.
http://Espresso Cafe on Facebook

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