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you,i will also like to know you more,and i want you to send an email to my
email address so i can give you my picture, for you to know whom i am.
Here is my email address(
I believe we can move from here!
I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.
(Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)
So great glad to see you here, I didnt see too much Chinese Barista use this great forum.
I am Tianjin, I came to Chicago as a student Jan 2008, then i have been dedicating on coffee for a year and half.
Now i am a Barista in Chicago, still learning in any chance.
So glad to hear you are from Beijing where is so near my home, Cant wait to visit you when i back to China.
PS: I do Latte art as well, i am going to compete in Las vegas next time, i believe it will be a great experience for me.
Anyway, keep in touch.
i am very good. how about you? I am traveling around far east recently a lot, and it was so impressive to me that there is bars where you can have very good espresso. actually explosion of coffee to go chains (starbucks, costa cafe...) bring there awareness about coffee.Hm.. last year i was in Taiwan (Taipei) situation is the same... so that's showing me that you got very good start position for bright future in your business.... :) all the best to you!
Drop me an email if you have trip to Penang, Malaysia :)
I am happy to talk about my loverly old machine. Normally the machine will make one shot with one pull of the charging handle.

The lever is pulled down to set a spring and comes to a stop with no pressure on the lever required to hold it in position. If left in this position heated water from the boiler has a channel to the group and basket in the portafilter. This position may be used as a pre-infusion. When the lever is lifted slightly from this position, the spring takes over. That causes the piston to seal the group from the boiler and begins pressure for the shot. The spring continues the pressure forcing water through the ground coffee. The spring slowly loses strength as the lever comes up and the piston lowers. The pressure of the spring varies from about 12bar with the lever down to about 6bar as the shot progresses and the lever returns to the up position. A spring pump lever machine always has the lever in the up position at rest. The lever pump machine usually has the lever down at rest. This is not always true because a cooling boiler will pull the lever up if the lever pump machine does not have a vacuum breaker. The orange "Olympia Cremina" next to the Conti shows this down position.The change of pressure during the pulling procedure is the reason a lever machine has its fanatical adherents.
Back to your question of how many pulls:
If a 25cc to 30cc ristretto is required, only one pull and no preinfusion. ~ 16gr coffee ground about one and one half number higher than for an electric pump machine
If 30cc to 45cc is all that is wanted, a five count of time for pre-infusion with one pull of the professional spring machine is sufficient. That would be with about 16 grams of coffee in the basket. That would be ground about 2 full numbers more coarse than for a electric pump professional machine. That prevents choking the machine as the puck expands.
If more volume is wanted, a larger dose in the basket (I have dosed to 24 grams in a triple basket, ground a half a number more coarse than the smaller dose.) The coarser grind is because the water will expand the grounds and choke the machine. That large a dose may require two or three full pulls and no pre infusion.
A sharp pull may displace the grind puck in the basket and ruin the pour.
Because of the large mass of the group (~12Kilos) out in the air, the machine takes a while to heat up and stabilize. Because of the large mass of the group, the machine is quite stable during pours. A warming pull may be required to get the group to temperature if the machine has been standing without use for a few minutes.
The one group machine will pull about one shot a minute. That machine will also provide steam for cappuccinos. For Lattes the temperature may drop with steaming.
Boiler size and power requirement will determine whether any particular machine is correct for a shop or home.
As with any machine, grind is determined by the roasted beans and the temperature and pressure of the individual machine.
I use my machine for some catering, charity meetings and get togethers. I may pull between one to 3 Kilos of roasted coffee in an 8 hour day. I may also use up to 8liters of milk. I have only a 1 kW ( I KN*m/s) heater and a 4Liter boiler. I use a hot pot to heat water for Americanos and Lungos. That is because my boiler heater takes a long time to recover to temperature.
I hope this has not confused you.
Richard Penney / espressme
PS. See also another thread about lever machines started by Kayakman.
I'm so glad that finally i find a place that offer a barista training in Beijing. I just joined barista exchange, read some blog of the members and it really make me more interesting in coffee.
At the moment i'm in beijing,and i'm really hope that i can join the training
Do you have any email add that i can contact,because i just try to open the and it is quite difficlut for me to understand
Thanks a lot
O.K. What exactly are you talking about. You talking so broadly that you do not address any single subject. Do you have lesson plans, Learning and teaching activities? What are the goals you have in mind for teaching this new theory? I would love any points you have to address within my class. My students are eager and excited about learning form industry peers. If this is knowledge you would prefer to keep and not share I'm fine with that also. I'm just would like everyone to know I teach for the good of tomorrow so all help is much appreciated.
It is new, but working rather good. We established our effective Barista Training system based on this theory.
i just joined Barista Exchange, can u pls tell me what is it about.
im kinda confused at the moment.
haha, by the way, how are you?
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