Roberto Copponi
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  • Perugia
  • Italy
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Profile Information

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, manager, coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Perugia, Umbria Region.
How many years have you been in the industry?
eleven years almost
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Well, I am an italian eleven years experienced coffee barista and bartender as well. I love being among people and offer them the most suitable and comfortable coffee or cappuccino ever 'dressed'.
Not only, even long drinks, cocktails, telling their history, etc..
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Netherlands, Uk, Sweden, Australia, Spain as well! I love the sun and the beach so....
About Me:


Name: Roberto
Surname: Copponi
Place and date of birth: born in Latina (LT), Italy, in 1973, the 1° of March
Military service: coscientious objector
Address: Abruzzi Road n.4
06025 Nocera Umbra, Perugia (Italy)
Phone number: 0039 0742830050
Cellular: 0039 3403573185
Scientific A level certificate taken c/o G. Marconi Scientific State School, in Foligno, Perugia.
Marks: 92/100
Italian: mother language.
English: read, spoken good/ written excellent.
Spanish: read, spoken, written good.
Excellent knowledge of Windows Office, photoprinting and publishing programs (photoshop, adobe, powerpoint,coral..) , straming video, digital recording and sound waves alterations ones (cubase, reason, rebirth, gigasampler,...)
1993 January- Recruited at the Shoefactory Copy, family factory.

1995 June- Seasonal work (3 months) at 'Mocambo Bar' in Lido dei Pini di Aprilia (LT) as a barista.

1996 June- Seasonal work (3 months) at 'My Spain' Coffee Cesena, Pisacane road, acting as barista.

1997 June- Seasonal work (3 months) at Bar 'Coffee Cavour' in Rimini, Cavour course, as a barista/handyman.

2000 February- Enroled at CERCAL, International School of Footwear's Style and Design , in San Mauro Pascoli (FC).

June 2000- Stage at the Calzaturificio CASADEI and recruitment as a shoe designer til May 2001.

But MUSIC, IMAGES and ENTERTAINMENT have been the inspiring MUSES throughout all my life. So, playing several years in a lot of pubs, discopubs, disco and night cafè, has increased my interest in them and in the world of RESTORATION and BARTENDING.

2002 May- Attended a course of bartending at the 'University of Flavours' in Perugia.

2003 April- Enroled in the staff of the beautiful 'Moenia Cafè' in Bevagna (Foligno, Perugia) as a bartender / animator / musician and organizer.

2005 January-Attended an American bartending course at the International Bartending School 'Planet One' in Bastia Umbria.

2005 May- Enroled in the staff of the 'Caffè degli Artisti' oin Spoleto as a bartender / animator / organizer.

2008 January/ April- brief experience in Shanghai, at the beautiful 'Mesa Lounge Cafè' as a bartender, curious of the ferment that is now blowing the Land of the Rising Sun.

2008 May- Work in 'Caffè degli Artisti' in Spoleto.

2008 November/ December- Brief experience in Los Angeles, at 'Catalina Jazz Club'.

2009 Genuary/ May- Work at 'Caffè degli Artisti' in Spoleto.

2009 June/ September- work at the sexy disco club 'Fashion' in Bastia Umbra, as bartender.

I have great passion for music, cinema and travels.
In 2004 i have created a chillout and lounge music for OVERLAND, a tv documentary weaving on RAI 3, and taken part in the lounge compilation COCKTAIL PARTY, edited by SHAKE RECORDS of Portofino, and several Chillout and Lounge compilations world wide spread.
I' ve been working for Giacomo Bondi, an excellent and exstimated producer, already famous for his productions for EIFFEL 65, VELVET, LOWLIGHT, and few international collaborations for Latin Jazz, Electric Pop and Chillout/ Lounge music.

I authorize you to use my personal data, due to italian lex 196/03.

Perugia, 11/11/2009.

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At 5:12pm on November 3, 2014, Stephanie Assa said…

Hello Dear,

How is everything with you,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you,but I found it difficult to express myself here,since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on( the full details.
Have a nice day.

Stephanie Assa.


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