Steve Zook
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What is your position in the coffee industry?
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Huntington Beach,Ca.
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
My focus on on sharing a powerful marketing,branding and positioning idea that could help any coffee company increase the value of the company by billions and bring in new customers while creating the "Cool Factor?
This idea is to build a social network around my great name and make it a more artistic warm social network. I am willing to sell the name or license it and my suggestion it have beautiful music on the site and I even have a great branding statement which is "Linking The World One Cup At A Time". Many great entrepreneurs have agreed this is a strong idea and make it into a social network and it could feed one coffee companies or many and create additional revenue streams while also growing into a site worth billions because it creates a new category....not just a site like most that are not very artistic. This site would connect with people on an emotional level and we are all in the people business. Link this to a 90 billion a year industry or the second largest commodity in the world and you have a hit. Bill Hudson who produced FATHER OF THE BRIDE with STEVE MARTIN who I met buying some studio gear said....."You have a hit Steve" and this will work and an opportunity for someone to Lead The Field and create something cool and make history while also making a lot of money. You can e-mail me at: if you have any interest.
This would also be a great publicity tool as it will be news to create something this cool that links together coffee lovers all over the world.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
I most stay in Ca.
About Me:
I am in the guitar business and also invented two products marketed worldwide by the Dunlop Guitar Accessory Company. They are the Speedpick and the Zookies and I even have a letter on my wall from Mr. Les Paul saying he tried the Speedpick and it is very good. It is the only ergonomically designed guitar pick in the world and now marketed worldwide. Also my Polkzoo Channel on youtube is now at 1 million 745,000 total views and some videos have over 70,000 views.This is a great place to expose products and companies with a video. I buy and sell guitars and carry The Loar Archtops and the Recording King flattop guitars as well as all of the products from The Music Link and even offer a broker program.I can help a coffee shop carry some guitars if they want to make their shop cooler and make some additional revenue while adding to the cool factor. I am also a business consultant as well but music and guitars are my true passion on is a giant waiting to be born and everyone involved can make billions if you are not afraid to think big and execute or someone could just help me license the idea or sell the domain name and this really is a viable idea for someone in the coffee business to put together.
About My Company:
I sell guitars that are huge value for the money and offer consumers old world value at a working man's price. The huge guitar brands are just not good value anymore and I offer a level of customer service and value that is rare in todays world.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
That it has the ability to link everyone together.

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