Hi everyone!


I am looking for the most efficient weigh to use the correct amount of water for our pourovers. We use a water tower and Buono kettle as equipment.

Thanks for your help!


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If you're really wanting to weigh the pourover (which I strongly suggest), I've found the best way to do it is to put the pourover itself, dry coffee, and mug or whatever you're dripping  into on the scale and tare it.  Fill the buono all the way up to the top because this helps with heat retention.  Then pour and brew as usual while you keep your eye on the time and the weight.  If you do it that way, when the scale reads your desired weight, stop pouring and let it finish.

I agree with Daniel on the weighing method.


One thing to consider:  if you have your water tower set at ~204°F (the default for a Fetco HWB series, I think), then by the time you fill your Buono and start pouring, the temp will likely have dropped significantly.  It's better to heat the kettle directly, but if you can't do that, set your water tower to the max and PREHEAT your kettle before filling it with the brewing water.


Thank you! I just noticed my "weigh" instead of "way"...oops! 

I use the scale/tare method at home as well and I think it's really reliable. Intelligentsia has a free app for the iPhone with brew timers for all kinds of methods... the ones for the pour-over and chemex ding when the bloom time should be up and again when the whole thing should be finished. It's nice to just listen for the alarm rather than watch the scale and the time. Probably wouldn't work as well in a cafe setting, you'd have to hire all baristas with iPhones... ;)
Wouldn't it be harder to hire a barista who didn't have an iPhone?

Kait Berreckman said:
I use the scale/tare method at home as well and I think it's really reliable. Intelligentsia has a free app for the iPhone with brew timers for all kinds of methods... the ones for the pour-over and chemex ding when the bloom time should be up and again when the whole thing should be finished. It's nice to just listen for the alarm rather than watch the scale and the time. Probably wouldn't work as well in a cafe setting, you'd have to hire all baristas with iPhones... ;)
I set up my V60 pourover on a scale & tare (zero) the scale before I begin my pour. That way I can accurately monitor the rate of pour & the total mass of the drink. Also I fill the Buono kettle about 3/4 full as larger amounts of water have larger thermal mass & therefore keep them better.
LOL, Mike... I'm writing this reply on my iPhone from behind the bar ;)

Mike Sabol said:
Wouldn't it be harder to hire a barista who didn't have an iPhone?

Kait Berreckman said:
I use the scale/tare method at home as well and I think it's really reliable. Intelligentsia has a free app for the iPhone with brew timers for all kinds of methods... the ones for the pour-over and chemex ding when the bloom time should be up and again when the whole thing should be finished. It's nice to just listen for the alarm rather than watch the scale and the time. Probably wouldn't work as well in a cafe setting, you'd have to hire all baristas with iPhones... ;)



(A little) More info on page 36 of most recent B-Mag



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