I'm simply looking for a quality blender that will hold up and does a great job with iced drinks.  I know there are quite a few out there and am just looking for something that won't break the bank, but will do the job for years to come.  I also don't need a "covered"(quiet) blender.  Suggestions?




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Thanks everyone!  Much appreciated!


Troy Lucas

Spend the money 8 or 9 hundred, on the BlendTec q series. they will grind anything and keep working.....a very long time....I have 4 in two dif bars and never had a prob.  We well a lot of blended drinks, smoothies, frappe, milkshakes.  they are the bomb

note: when the company says do not put in the dish washer or do not soak... they mean it. Train  your employees to read the care instructions and tell them as well. To date we have lost 4 blender carafes and 2 cold drink pitcher to the dishwasher because my employees did not listen. BlendTec was fast and helpful about replacements but like any company it isn't cheap.

Denise Smith said:

We use 2 BledTec Q series blenders. Ask your distributor about blender programs... Cappuccine gave us free product when we ordered our blenders from them. Our musicians are always commenting about "Where are the blenders, I thought you had frozen drinks on the menu?" Very hard working, about as quiet as a blender can get. FYI what ever you buy make sure your employees wash and care for the carafes properly. I had an employee put our in the dishwasher a few times before I caught her!!! They held up for a while but I after two years of being open (she was my trainer just before I dismissed her) I just bought new carafes.

note: when the company says do not put in the dish washer or do not soak... they mean it. Train  your employees to read the care instructions and tell them as well. To date we have lost 4 blender carafes and 2 cold drink pitcher to the dishwasher because my employees did not listen. BlendTec was fast and helpful about replacements but like any company it isn't cheap.

Denise Smith said:

We use 2 BledTec Q series blenders. Ask your distributor about blender programs... Cappuccine gave us free product when we ordered our blenders from them. Our musicians are always commenting about "Where are the blenders, I thought you had frozen drinks on the menu?" Very hard working, about as quiet as a blender can get. FYI what ever you buy make sure your employees wash and care for the carafes properly. I had an employee put our in the dishwasher a few times before I caught her!!! They held up for a while but I after two years of being open (she was my trainer just before I dismissed her) I just bought new carafes.

A late addition: we've used both a VitaMix Drink Machine and a Waring MX1000 Extreme. The paddle switches in the Waring just went out, I took it apart to switch the paddle, found that the entire switch is soldered into a control cable, which is soldered into a control board, then soldered into another board. To change one switch you need to change the entire ($80+) assembly. Amazing. VitaMixes, while they don't blend as well (in my opinion) are easy to replace parts. The Waring blender jars do fit on the VitaMix base, and have better blade assemblies. Time to Frankenstein.

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