I recently had a discussion with a co-worker about the slang term "Spro" (espresso) and it brought a semi-random question to my mind... what other slang terms are being used in the barista's world?

A couple I personally use:
Dbl. E. S. M. (Double espresso mac. made with skim)
Ju ju (Espresso - often said "Sweet ju ju")

There are more, and I might add them later.
For now I would like to see what yall would add to the slang list. :)

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I like "sexy foam" and "dialed in." Also, "bleeding" the espresso. I also like "Fu Shnickens", but I don't know what it is or where it came from.
I also use "group" as a short hand for group head. kb can be short for knock box. Temp. "surfing" is a term I picked up learning about heat exchangers (hx machines). I call ristretto shots "shorts" too. I'm pretty sure this is all common to the barista language.
if it's to go I always say "with legs"
"Third Wave"....some coffee slang that is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me personally.

...more importantly I doubt that most people who use that term even knows what it means. I've seen it used in so many contexts and in so many different ways that I'm mystified by it. I'm sure it means something...but take a random sampling of 10 people who are using that phrase and you'll find it means 9 different things. To me, it's a meaningless catch phrase that people use to put down other shops and pump up their own. I'm not saying I have the complete and correct definition. I AM saying that meaningless words benefit no one.

Flame away.
I think it was something that Shaq said in a rap song he did in the 90's ;)

Jason Dominy said:
I like "sexy foam" and "dialed in." Also, "bleeding" the espresso. I also like "Fu Shnickens", but I don't know what it is or where it came from.
Ahhhhh! That's right!

CodaCoffee said:
I think it was something that Shaq said in a rap song he did in the 90's ;)

Jason Dominy said:
I like "sexy foam" and "dialed in." Also, "bleeding" the espresso. I also like "Fu Shnickens", but I don't know what it is or where it came from.
I didn't invent any of these... but these are the ones I usually use:
"Gusher" - a shot that pulls fast and nasty, and tastes the same (which leads me to)
"Sink-shot" - that's where it belongs
"tightened up on me" - when something changes and suddenly your shot takes 45 seconds to pull... good info for the other barista that's using the same grinder.
"jet fuel" - the way some of my customers order their red-eye (drip plus espresso shots). I may actually change the menu...
"High-test" - regular espresso, "unleaded" for decaf... usually used in the sentence "you want that unleaded or high-test?" for customers that only sometimes get decaf.
"In the weeds" - buried in orders or falling behind... a call for backup.
Our iced coffee is brewed 1.5X, and we call it Rocket Fuel.

Brady said:
I didn't invent any of these... but these are the ones I usually use:
"Gusher" - a shot that pulls fast and nasty, and tastes the same (which leads me to)
"Sink-shot" - that's where it belongs
"tightened up on me" - when something changes and suddenly your shot takes 45 seconds to pull... good info for the other barista that's using the same grinder.
"jet fuel" - the way some of my customers order their red-eye (drip plus espresso shots). I may actually change the menu...
"High-test" - regular espresso, "unleaded" for decaf... usually used in the sentence "you want that unleaded or high-test?" for customers that only sometimes get decaf.
"In the weeds" - buried in orders or falling behind... a call for backup.
This reminds me how much i dislike how some people order starbucks drinks, or other places drinks, and expect us to know what they want.
Ugh, my favorite customer is the one who orders a tall latte, then looks confused when I hand them a 12oz cup.

Yeah, if you can't speak Starbucks, try looking at our menu. It's in English! Grrrrr . . .

Lacey said:
This reminds me how much i dislike how some people order starbucks drinks, or other places drinks, and expect us to know what they want.
What I think is even MORE amazing is how many "independent" coffee shops that I walk into and they use all the same terminology as Starbucks. I refuse to order a "short", "tall", "grande" or "vente" ANYTHING anymore. If they can't figure out what size I want when I ask for a medium then someone needs to take them out and tie them to the stupid tree.

Sarah said:
Ugh, my favorite customer is the one who orders a tall latte, then looks confused when I hand them a 12oz cup.

Yeah, if you can't speak Starbucks, try looking at our menu. It's in English! Grrrrr . . .

Lacey said:
This reminds me how much i dislike how some people order starbucks drinks, or other places drinks, and expect us to know what they want.
LOL... I'm not sure that there's any room left on the stupid tree!

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