any word on how the NW regionals are turning out? streaming videos and whatnot?

PDX is very curious

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Michael Elvin, EPNW/Olympia Roasting
Robbie Britt, Zoka
Brett Walker, Zoka
Kevin Fuller, Albina Press
Alex Pond, Fresh Pot
Kristina Merryman, Lava Java
Also, check out Sarah's blog at b mag here
Alex Pond is the new NWRBC Champ!!!!! I am so stoked for him, as it has been so fun working with him over the past couple weeks here in the school! PDX represent!!!! Congrats Alex, and Stephen & Jen and all the others who gave him so much support.

1. Alex Pond
2. Kevin Fuller
3. Robbie Britt
I want a hoodie :(

january vawter said:
YAY!!! Portland is like the Manchester United of coffee.

In other news: DO NOT put your NWRBC hoodie in the dryer. That fancy portafilter zipper thing will melt. Sadface.
Hi guys!

I want to thank EVERYONE involved with this years NWRBC. The list is far too long to type for the amount of energy that I have left! Organizing this event was the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my 10 years in coffee. I had an opportunity to reconnect with good friends and meet a lot of new ones.

I love you guys and will see you in PDX in March. I'm gonna drink a beer in the bath and go to sleep.

dont go to sleep in the bath tho...lolz.
thank you so much for throwing this for everyone. it was a blast and an amazing experience!
see ya in march!

Jay Lijewski (TacomaPenna) said:
Hi guys!

I want to thank EVERYONE involved with this years NWRBC. The list is far too long to type for the amount of energy that I have left! Organizing this event was the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my 10 years in coffee. I had an opportunity to reconnect with good friends and meet a lot of new ones.

I love you guys and will see you in PDX in March. I'm gonna drink a beer in the bath and go to sleep.

Serious thanks to everyone this weekend! What a fantastic way to start this roadshow of regional competitions. A Super King Kong Mega Mega thanks to Jay and the entire crew at Dillanos. You put on a wonderful show, in a beautiful venue in a surprisingly ::wink:: fantastic city. Outstanding!

And to all of the baristas, a very sincere job well done. Your professionalism continues to amaze me each and every time.

Now...on to Denver!

It went really well! Alex won! Congrats Alex!
Jay Lijewski (TacomaPenna) said:
Hi guys!

I want to thank EVERYONE involved with this years NWRBC. The list is far too long to type for the amount of energy that I have left! Organizing this event was the most rewarding thing that I have ever done in my 10 years in coffee. I had an opportunity to reconnect with good friends and meet a lot of new ones.

I love you guys and will see you in PDX in March. I'm gonna drink a beer in the bath and go to sleep.

What an amazing weekend! It was great to see everyone and meet everyone I did. Marcus and Jay...hats off. All the judges and volunteers...well done. Congratulations to all of the finalists and especially to Alex! An amazing job! I'll see everyone (hopefully) in March.

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