I'm wondering. What would you vote as the most reliable, most biblical, and most enjoyable book on coffee? Which of your coffee books is dog-eared, highlighted, underlined, stained and ragged?
Most (and I) have a beaten-up copy of "The Perfect Cup". But I came to age in the early '90s.
What's the textbook now?

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hands down the best book is "The Book of Coffee and Tea" by Joel Schapira. Old school but invaluable.
William Ukers' "All About Coffee" is widely accepted as the definative

"Brew Unto Others"

It's not the greatest informative read but still very interesting - The Coffee House: A Cultural History by Markman Ellis
I have found "The Professonal Barista's Handbook" to be INCREDIBLY informative and useful.

Im looking for a book that named A Little Book of Coffee, I wonder if its worth for reading?
Uncommon Grounds is a great history of coffee book. Schomers books are also in despensible when it comes to techniques, cleaning, frothing, pouring etc. I also enjoyed God in a Cup & The Devils Cup (the Devils Cup is almsot more of a travelogue but still some fun facts & info on coffee).

Spencer said:
In no particular order:

The Coffee Trader, by David Liss
Uncommon Grounds, by Mark Pendergrast
Espresso Coffee: Professional Techniques by David C. Schomer
Espresso: Ultimate Coffee, Second Edition by Kenneth Davids
Espresso Coffee, Second Edition: The Science of Quality by Rinantonio Viani and Andrea Illy
Aroma of Coffee, by Luis Norberto Pascoal

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