I'm interested to hear opinions from professional baristas on how the Compak K10 WBC compares to the Mazzer Kony.

A lot of what I've read seems to indicate a big preference for the Compak grinder, but I do get the feeling most people haven't actually tried both. I really like the Mazzer build quality; the K10 doesn't really seem to be on quite the same level, though I have never seen it in person. The difference in grind times is not a big deal (to me), but grind retention and other factors might be important.

Is the Kony getting a bad rap online, or is the K10 WBC really that much better?

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I have used boh very briefly. With the slower burr speed and cheaper price tag, my choice would be the Compak. That being said I haven't heard anything about reliability, and I work with Mazzers everyday, they never break.

If I am reemembering coprrectly the Compak also has a bigger hopper, which is nice.

Really they are both great grinders with warrantys so you can't go wrong.
I have a K10 and I like it ...Is there still a U.S. cert. problem with the Kony?
They're about the same price delivered to me here in Canada, so neither wins in that respect.
Well, the only other thing that I can add is that the K10 did seem a little "cheaper" if you will. Just doesn't seem as durably built.
No doubt about it, the K10 is really "that much better" than the Kony.

I've had extensive experience with both the K10, K10 WBC and the Kony. We use the K10 and K10 WBC at The Spro and my friend has a Kony at his restaurant. The Kony has that typical Mazzer heft and build quality but the grinder is infuriatingly slow. A K10 might take 7 seconds to grind 25 grams. It takes the Kony four times as long to grind the same amount. Infuriating.

Grind quality on the Kony is good and about on par with the K10. The K10 is a fast (compared to the Kony, it's a Ferrari F430) grinder that's lightweight, affordable and has proven itself day in, day out on our bar since 2006. In the two years that I've known my friends' Kony, it's never failed to infuriate with it's incredibly slow speed.
Didn't Mazzer modify the way the beans feed with a "propeller" feeder later in production? There's a video of the Kony E on youtube here. 8.6 seconds for 16g extrapolates to 13.4 seconds for 25g, which is about half the speed of the K10, I guess.

Still, it looks like the K10 WBC is the grinder to buy.
I think you mean to say that the Kony E still takes twice as long to grind 25 grams?

Chris Birkett said:
Didn't Mazzer modify the way the beans feed with a "propeller" feeder later in production? There's a video of the Kony E on youtube here. 8.6 seconds for 16g extrapolates to 13.4 seconds for 25g, which is about half the speed of the K10, I guess.

Still, it looks like the K10 WBC is the grinder to buy.
Like others I've used both. Go with the K10, besides the speed, I really enjoy the dosing lever and have gained speed just by ease of dispensing the grounds. Love the mazzer build and looks a ton, but I' definitely agree with the other folks on which to choose.
Right, I'm convinced! Ordering a K10 WBC this morning :)
i've been working with a kony everyday for about a year now and have used a K10 about thrice.
that being said:
the K10 seems kinda flimsy compared to the kony, speaking strictly about the materials. that makes me think the compak won't hang in there quite as long but, if you're not throwing ninja stars at it, that really shouldn't be a big deal.
the kony, however, i could go on about for days.
first off, jay's right, the thing is retarded slow. like corky thatcher slow. we're a medium to slow volume cafe and we all want to smash the thing it's so slow. also, without some fairly time consuming mods, it clumps really bad just like any other stock mazzer. if you pull out the timer sensor to put in all the cutting threads and a doser chute with cutters, it's still kinda clumpy. and, ours gets clogged up often in the burr chamber, even when the burrs are new. possibly a result of the lower rpms? i dunno, i decided i hated that grinder awhile ago and stopped trying to make it better.

so yeah, as a kony owner, buy a k10.

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