I would love to hear what you guys thought about it. Can you think of a situation in which someone could use this?

Check it out

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'Posting here is either posting something personal and inappropriate, or evangelizing and probably inappropriate.'

Apparently you are ok with this. Cool.

Lets back up here and explore what happened in the first couple posts. Billy was not evangelizing...just sharing...
If anyone was evangelizing (ie: trying to bring someone around to your "correct" way of thinking)
it was you.
Nobody is pushing anything here but you.
You said...
"How will you feel about Pagans, Wiccans, Muslims, or Buddhists evangelizing on your barista exchange site?"

How about you...would you repeat your "tsk tsk" response if it was either of these groups behind the original post?
I doubt it.

and btw...
My Birth Certificate says "Christopher" and "James" too....

but no Paul o John...so you win. What? ...I do not know.
You should know that It is not my goal either...to offend you. I saw nothing wrong with Billy posting this.
I am sure you and I agree on more about coffee than on religion...to that end either one of us are free to discuss these matters in private.
But since this IS a coffee oriented website then I will say, where I do not agree with you in this thread...I am in agreement with your thread 'Supportive AND Competitive"...
and that is where I will go now.
-Christopher James Deferio
I am the guy you are laughing at... And thats ok. I half laugh at myself because I get so into this stuff... So don't worry about it. I'm glad I could make you smile!
Grace and Peace
-Billy Kangas

Kevin Ayers said:
I'm sorry but I don' t know how to not laugh at this guy. The Blessing of the Steam? I guess if it makes you feel better than do it, but, I just can't stop smirking. Maybe I'm an a**hole...
Chris said:
It isn't the place to discuss that rash on my inner thigh, how I got it, or if anyone thinks that I should stop seeing that woman.

This post is about coffee... and It's posted under "off-topic." Just because something doesn't interest you doesn't mean you have to compare it to your rash... thanks
I have to agree with Billy on this. Looks like he posted it in an honest effort to help like-minded barista. Totally within the spirit of this community.

I can think of several recent discussions that have pushed the limits of this community far, far more than this one.

Clearly he was also willing to take part in a reasonable discussion on this, or else he wouldn't have posted. However, as you do so, please keep the insults out of the dialog.

As always, if you have any questions about discussions that may or may not be appropriate in this forum, please read this. Please feel free to contact Matt or any of the moderation team about any content that you feel violates these terms.

Mmm Grape Flavor-ade.

Deferio said:
While I am not personally a fan of liturgical systems of worship.... I will say this
You should realize that you are publicly writing against religion. You are, in fact, perpetuating the discussion of religion in an open forum!(gasp)...are you feeling just a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?
I suppose it is ok to discuss religion and worship in a public forum but only when it is from your own negative and reactionary perspective?
According to your own logic you have drunk your own grape flavored-ade. Don't forget that we are free to express our opinions in this country...the post you responded to did not attack you at all...it seems that you have some really big issues with religion in general and are using this public forum to express those views.
Your post is more of a personal affront than the blog that you are reacting to.
Either you are ok with discussing these things in public....
your will stick by your public code of conduct and stop posting on this subjects thread.
I will see your continued posting as a good sign that you have changed your mind about discussing "personal" "religious" and "worship" oriented subject in public.

Time will tell i guess...

-Chris Deferio....
(Christopher...by the way...means..."one who bears Christ" I am deeply honored to have that name)
Deferio said:
How about you...would you repeat your "tsk tsk" response if it was either of these groups behind the original post?

Probably. I mistook this for a diversion away from the coffee discussion and towards one of religion.
My momma taught me that 'taint polite to bring up Sex, Religion, Politics, or Pay in a conversation amongst strangers. I was following her lead.
I meant no insult, I meant no offense and took none. Apologies seem to be in order, and you all have mine

Deferio said:
so you win. What? ...I do not know.

You have to pull the shots when I see you next. I'll still buy the beer, though.
Kayakman said:
I wonder where some people get the idea that anything one believes of lives by should be kept from a public forum. Its thats core values related to coffee, coffeehouses, politics, or religion.

I suggested that it wasn't appropriate for a public discussion about coffee, not that it wasn't a topic fit for public discussion. These topics tend to degenerate into a flame war pretty quick, (and I applaud those that haven't gone in that direction) usually because most will not accept that their religion may not be true, valid, or the one, and any religious perspective that questions theirs must be, by definition, inherent heresy and evil.
These are never going to be fruitful discussions. Some historian will start citing fact after historical fact, will be branded as the devil, or worse, and it's all fine until the townsfolk come out brandishing pitchforks and firebrands.

Just that minor correction to signify that I am not anti-religion, nor am I anti-Christian, as was alluded to somewhat sideways earlier on. I am pro coffee conversation on a coffee-centric forum. That's all I was trying to say.

Carry on...
Kayakman said:
"this sounds a lot like trying to talk about coffee culture on bX... LOL"

hahahahhahahahahahha Cheers Kayakman!
Billy - I try daily to incorporate my faith in what I do by remembering who it is I'm doing it for...

Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance It is the Lord Christ whom you serve."

I try to keep this text in mind with everything I do. Keep seeking the things above (vs.1), set you mind on things above not on earth (vs.2). Not only will this keep you well grounded, but it is a requirement of the Lord - not simply a request.

25 "For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done, and that without partiality."

MY $.02

Chris (Christopher)
Margo R said:
Whether this person is serious, or trying to be funny, I just have to shrug it off.

I wrote this... and I can assure you I am in no way trying to be funny... I use this at the shop I work at to help me bring my faith into the day to day.

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