Jónína Tryggvadóttir




Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I´ve been working as a barista for about 6-7 years both fulltime and parttime in Reykjavík and in Copenhagen. I participated in the WBC 2005 and in the NBC 2005 and 2007. I am one of the lucky NBC 2007 participants who is going to Nicaragua in January 2008, really excited about that! Coffee is one of my main interests and I think this web-page is a great idea for us coffeegeeks to keep in contact and make new contacts:) Thumbs up for that!!:)

Comment Wall:

  • Matt Milletto

    Have fun in Nicaragua. Guillermo was just at our training class in Portland, and he is a great guy. I plan to be in Nicaragua with my wife april or may of next year.

    - Matt
  • Alex

    Godt nyttår og god tur til Nicaragua!
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    hæ;) góða ferð til Nicaragua:)
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Hej Jonina. Håber du har det godt. Ses vi snart igen? God tur til Nicaragua!!!
  • Anton Sigurður Sigríðarson

    :) jújú ég keppi í ár nema ég er að fara að taka lokapróf úti á svipuðum tíma og keppnin er en ég vona það besta....er ekkert smá spenntur! en jú ég fer aftur til Suður ameríku í nóvember..byrja í Mexico og tek alla álfuna bæði mið og suður ameríku, get ekki beðið! skemmtiði ykkur sem allra allra best!!!!:D
  • Elfa Drofn Stefansdottir

    Hæ sæta!
    Hvernig er í Nicaragua? :D
  • Michael de Renouard

    Hej Jonina, søde pige!. Her går det godt. Jeg rister på livet løs, her på fabrikken. Det er rigtigt godt. Jeg elsker det. Det er fabriksarbejde, men med liv og sjæl. Det var en god tur, men man drikker for meget, men det skal jeg jo ikke fortælle dig! :-) Jeg håber at Roberta behandler dig orderntligt og at Roman er en flink fyr! Skriv snart igen!
  • Elfa Drofn Stefansdottir

    Gaman að heyra :)
    Það er bara allt fínt að frétta hjá mér í kuldanum og snjónum. Erum á síðustu metrunum í óperuuppsetningunni okkar í skólanum. Frumsýning á mánudaginn, þannig að það eru æfingar og rennsli alla daga. Svaka gaman samt :)
    Þú lætur nú kannski vita af þér svo maður viti í hvaða ævintýrum þú ert að lenda :)
  • Ingibjörg Jóna Sigurðardóttir

    Hææjj!! Ferðin heim var fín. Ég var rosa þreytt...en ég flýtti ferðinni og kom heim í gær. Ég var á sunnudaginn að þjálfa 3 stelpur sem var mjög fínt, eiddum klukkutíma í að þrífa vélina áður en við byrjuðum :D Svo bara skundað út á völl. Hvernig er hjá þér?
  • Cam

    hey jonina! ive put some pictures of you and thorey from this summer in my profile, please have a look. i may have a few more if your would like them!
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hi Jonina,

    You may already know about my venture. I`m starting to recruit world-class trainers & baristas to train the local baristas at the american coffee growing countries.
    The idea is to cover the expenses (air ticket+hotel+food) for a 3 day trip (at least) with sponsor support.
    The venture will start by February 2009, if you`re able to donate a couple of days of your time, to promote the barista profession, please let me know, and I`ll send you the schedule.

    Best regards,
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hey Jonina,

    Thanks for your interest!
    I`m not planning to stay much longer in each country, but it will be possible to visit more than one country ... if I`ve got the enough sponsor support.

    On the other hand, some parts of the trip could be dangerous (specially for foreign young ladies) which I`ll not be covering with any guests. Please send me an email address and I`ll send you the schedule and a brief summary of the venture.

    Best regards,
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hi Jonina,

    Lene just told me what a great time she had at Nicaragua, too. If you`ve got pictures I would love to see them.

  • Hildur Friðriksdóttir

    Hæ elsku Jónína! Þín var sárt saknað á árshátíðinni á sunnudag . . . Vona að þú komir stútfull af fróðleik og visku til að miðla þegar þú kemur tilbaka - bíðum spennt!

    Jonina ...the good part of this business is to meet people like you and your friends ...is great what we can do working together...that is the theme of this year's RAMACAFE's conference, ...Together we go Further!!!
    I'm going for a three day trip to the farms now ...via Matagalpa and ending up in Las Marias...the little jewel of a farm in Dipilto, Nueva SEgovia...my cel is 505-886-0017 in case you have time to join us...best regards and thank you for telling me to join the exchange ...I was really missing all of this beautiful people with so many ideas and working for what I truly believe ...sustainability for the Coffee Supply Chain...and better communication from seed to cup!!!
  • m'lissa owens

    YAY!! I heart you and the Akron/Family boys! I hope to see you before Helsinki.. you should bring the team to SCAA.. :)
  • Fede Cabrera

    Hi Jonina! I sent the email, I hope you find the project interesting. Regards, Federico

    Jonina ...hope you can join us for the weekend at La Virgen Estate...I 'm posting a few pictures for you to see
  • Cam

    Hey Jonina! I m so excited to find all of you on the site. Ive just been to Guatemala this last week with Stumptown and Royal. Please post some pictures of the wetmills, id love to see the differnces.
  • Guillermo Ordenana

    Hello there, how you doing girl?? See you on saturday. Have a nice trip on your way back to Nicaragua.
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Hey Jónína How are you? Are you just having the time of your life? Looking forward to see again - in Copenhagen? Here everything is fine and busy - missing Nicaragua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Klaus Thomsen

    Hej Jónína! Du må snart komme og besøge os her i København. Vores nye risteri og kaffebar står klart!
    Håber alt er vel. Hej hej!
  • Per Nordby

    how are things in nica? Lost of rain and malaria I hope. ;) I cupped some coffee this friday from some of Robertos farms, good stuff!
  • Lene Hyldahl

    Nice to hear from you and good you had a great trip/stay in Nicaragua. Søren won the danish championship and we had a very nice set-up (if you ask me) I cannot wait either to see you in June but let's stay in touch - :-)
  • Per Nordby

    oh, my umbrella! I could need it, göteborg can be quite rainy sometimes... glad to hear that you made it back. I found a bottle of 12yr flor de caña in a bar last week... it took me back...