Aaron Duckworth


Kansas City, MO

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista trainer, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Kansas City, MO
How many years have you been in the industry?
Since April 19th, 1999
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
After a nearly 5-year stint with Starbucks, I left and founded Espresso dell'Anatra in 2003 and quickly we created a reputation for espresso excellence through making more preparation related mistakes than is polite to talk about. I have competed on the USBC circuit, placing as high as 7th (2004) and am currently a USBC certified Judge. I sold Espresso dell'Anatra in June of 2007 to take a position with Latteland Espresso and Tea in Kansas City as their head of operations. 7 months later, we parted amicably and after testing the KC coffee market and finding nothing I really wanted to do, I returned to my basement to form a new company, Coffee with A. Duck.
About My Company:
Coffee with A. Duck is a coffee and barista consulting company which will focus on existing cafes wanting to make a serious effort to raise the overall quality of their products. Many training tools will be available to purchase and download online. On-site consulting will also be available for those who desire to have the tools customized and modified to meet the specifics of their company.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The people. Growers, roasters, baristas, brokers, graders, and cuppers all have at least one thing not related to coffee in common: they're all people.

Comment Wall:

  • Alexarc Mastema

    And your is gone!
  • Jeff Taylor

    hey bro, you are right. Coffeereview just gave it a 93! Yippee
  • Kim Lovelady

    your a dork...but that is why we like ya!
  • Brian Atwell

    Your name popped into mind the other day so I decided to see what you were up to. Latteland, huh? Good stuff.
  • trish rothgeb

    is sandy aware that you want to trade her for my red mac? That's just a messed up deal. I don't see the win-win of it.

    you're funny
  • Kim Lovelady

    your crazy picture makes me laugh every time
  • Robbie Britt

    Thanks for all of your help today!!! It was great to meet you and I know everything will work out for you!
  • Robbie Britt

    Thanks for sending the website. I'll probably be sending an email soon to get more feedback about the sig drink. "Talk" to you then!!!
  • Sandy Hon

    Hey you big dummy. you're trying to make a trade without my knowledge? that's just wrong.
  • Andy Newbom

    aaron duck the man worth it aall

    you dude!
  • Kim Lovelady

    The search for hte great Barefoot hoodie has lead my thoughts to another traveling item....where's the duck? Tim? Klaus?
  • Robbie Britt

    Hey Aaron,

    Missed seeing you in St. Louis. Hope all is well. When's the trip to Israel?
  • scott conary

    Its about time you accepted my friendship...didn't I already shoot you a request? Anyway..hope things are good. See you soon?
  • Robbie Britt

    I think I did ok for a first timer. I have a lot of room for improvement on the technical side of things. It looks like I'm heading out west in a couple of months, so if and when you visit family, I'd like to hang out with you again if you'd allow me the privelege. Otherwise, I too hope to be in Minneapolis. Maybe I'll see you there!!!
  • Brandon

    my man. Monday meeting, in the books. looking forward to it.
  • Jason Dominy

    Hey Aaron, you have any dealings with Parisi? My old roastmaster works there, speaks highly of your old shop.
  • Chris Berola

    HI Buddy!!!!
  • Coffee Noodle

    My daddy once asked me "What does a Duck say?"
    My response was: "blah blah blah blah blah"

  • Holly

    Are you a coffee nerd that resides in the midwest? Oh, I think you are. You are perfect for the new group- Midwest Region Coffee Nerds!
  • Coffee Noodle

    Mr Duck,

    With all due respect, I think you are confusing my daddy with Mr. Barry. While Barry is a perfectly respectable father, my daddy is that slow barista from the Midwest...you know...3rd place and 26 seconds over.....
  • Andi C. Trindle

    hey there! nice to see you--sort of--again.
  • Kim Lovelady

    you, NERD!!
  • Chris/Dale

    I'm good friends with Joe Marrocco and Robbie Britt
    They tell me you're the man ...I believe them
  • Peter Middlecamp

  • Joe Marrocco

    Long time no chat... How are things?
  • Chris/Dale

    prolly not making it this year...life is impending on my travel arrangements...but I'm sure we're doing coffeefest in seattle this year and hey a quick trip to KC might be in the works far sooner...
  • Robbie Britt

    Hey Aaron,

    I finally made it out and am settling in a little bit. I start on Monday as the manager of Z3. I send contact info. soon.
  • Joe Marrocco

    Bella is doing very well. She is way too smart. She wants to know everything and thinks she already does. (Kind of like her dad sometimes.) I would still love to make a trip out to KC sometime. Are you still available to hang out? Also, my family and I may be moving to STL in the summer. I'd love to show you the coffee scene there, if you're ever interested.
  • Sandy Hon

    maybe if you tell them you're not going, more people would sign up???

    just a thought.
  • Joe Marrocco

    You're online!! I'm trying to work on a paper right now,... having a hard time focusing!! I'm planning on giving you a call later the week. I'm slammed with school right now. I want to have plenty of time. Talk to you later man!
  • Kris Davidson

    Duck, contact a guy named Jesse on my friends list. He works for a shop in Louisville and used to work with Deferio at Carriage House. Anyways, I stopped by their shop and we talked about how he wants to put on a jam. Figured you would be able to give him some advice about how to go about it. Ok, Bye
  • Jesse_Aram

    Hey, Kris Davidson can not tell a lie. We were both hopped up on espresso and I says to Kris,"We want to have a barista jam in the Ville". He says, "the Duck is your man". And I says, "No! No! Duck is not man, nor man, duck." However, after further consideration and f-pressin of some PNG yum yum delicious, I realized...DUCK IS MAN. And in all seriousness, I would love to get your input. We are looking to do something small at first, a couple of hours. But I have never hosted one before. And I assume it will just be for the ville? But could be bigger? These are questions that don't belong in comments. Will be in touch to pick your brain. You know...if you're cool like dat...Also would love to meet up at SCAA, maybe we can talk then? Although I will be busy volunteering? Are you volunteering as a judge? Gosh, I wish I could volunteer at the hotel for some discount action...SCENARIO...Every morning I can throw in their crappy hotel coffee at the continental breakfast 6 foot slab and line up the sanka wrappers for half off my nightly stay? Conciergista
  • brian aliffi

    good to see you in the MPLS. you coming this way for RG? i'll try to be a better host this time around.
  • Chris DeMarse

    funny story. I work in a shop in a blue collar town in Indiana and ran into someone yesterday who said he was a "stand in" barista when you owned your shop while he was a part time pastor in KC. I also happen to be a part time pastor and barista that competed at USBC this year. Small world
  • Jason Dominy

    Yo Duck. How's life?
  • Chris DeMarse

    Yeah. He's moving here at the end of the month to work with us developing a coffee school and a gourmet coffee shop called Vecino's coffee gallery. It should be an awesome time this summer.
  • Jason Dominy

    Things here are good, a little slow. Not alot of coffeehouse startups going on. A little training here and there, and a lot of trying to sell some coffee. Hey, I need to call you this week. Can you PM me your number and best time? Tanks Duck.
  • Summer

    Hey Duck! How have you been?
  • Randy

    Ten years dude... That's practically ancient in Coffee Industry years. Rock and roll to that. Whacha been doin with your time lately?
  • Robbie Britt

    Happy Birthday my good sir. Need to hear what went down in Israel sometime. Hope thingss are well. Cheers!
  • Andrea Piccolo

    Happy Birthday, Aaron!
    It was good to chat & catch up with you during the Canadian barista comp. Sammy & I hope to see you soon...
  • Ginny Wang

    Happy Birthday ~Aaron~
  • Tim O´Brien

    Hey are you still in KC? Good luck on the new company. I am the KC guy you met growing coffee and now also exporting exclusive beans out of Costa Rica. The description of your tobacco infused coffee drink has still got me curious and have a coffee question I thought you could help with. Thanks TimO