Tony Serrano

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Barefoot Coffee Roasters, Santa Clara, United States
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Hopefully, my aptitude is as large as my ego. You be the judge. Let's trade some shifts.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
You name it!
About Me:
I yearn to learn
About My Company:
Every day I deal with fanatics! Freaks for the cause and the cause is coffee.
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
It's like the island of misfit toys. Most of us can't find a home anywhere else. Be you Steve In The Box or a Polka Dotted elephant..... I love you all!

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  • Adrian Badger

    I'll have to offer you a raincheck on that, Tony. I don't open for another couple of months. Then you'll have to come by!
  • Jason Gurney

    ...I didn't know you wanted flowers...You need to tell me these things, man. All relationships are based on good communication. All it takes is, "Hey, Jason...I want some flowers, man..."

    Seriously, though. I've been swamped with school. It's like this continual cycle of sleepless nights followed by seudo-mental collapse mixed with work. Got through it though. How goes it on your side of the state?

    OH!!! Speaking of work...I would really like to know how to cold brew some coffee. I am simply going to test it out on my own time and start implementing it here. Waiting for certain individuals to start something new and delicious is about useful as holding my breath until I pass out. Then repeating it all over again once I come back to conciousness....and the headaches...terrible...

    We have this big ice bin on wheels complete with drain spout that is collecting dust and something I feel could be converted to a cold brewer...any ideas on how to do this? I'm thinking we need some sort of mesh material to act as a filter to place over the drain spout..but not sure where to get one...?

    Hope you all are well. Say hi to the crew for me!
  • Andy Newbom

    whoops! I did it again. the green, the envy, the leapfrogging
  • David Vicente Johnson

    Where's my photo ,Biyatch!
    Shit that sounded like bitter panties.
  • Maria Jose Huezo

    hey tony ... :)
    just don´t tell my mom I sent you this link, ok?
    I am pretty sure she will literarely kill me. DOUH!
  • Maria Jose Huezo

    hahahaha yes. that´s luis´s brother´s guitar, nice huh? i borrowed it for my mom.. she was so worried she was going to break it!!
    I´m glad you enjoyed the video, i still can´t believe i got her to do that... hahaha
    Cheers Tony!
  • Mike

    Dude! Element Coffee is a go!
  • Mike

    A little bird told be Venice Intelli. is gonna rock three or four Espresso machines and a coffee only style. But can confirm nor deny.
  • Andy Newbom

    I think I heard some sort of weird sound like a gong or something.... sorta like the sound of 5,500 hands clapping in the jungle...
  • Joey Trujillo

    Ton Loc! The jam was serene... seriously. Great people and some great signature drinks bein tossed my way all day... loved it. Anyways, I got some BTR stuff comin your way today.
  • Andi C. Trindle

    It was my pleasure to get a great espresso! I haven't been on here for a while, so sorry I missed this earlier. I'm finishing up my sabbatical with a vacation and will start up with Atlantic specialty October 6. I'm sure we will connect again!
  • Naya I. Peterson

    you have to come to the source for that shit yo. I'll practice my money shot. you bring the dirty old men. it is going to be a teenage riot for reals.
    oh yeah, bring a bottle of absinthe.
  • ZekEaZoiD

    there is a tamp at the shop for you on my desk.
  • Heather Ringwood

    HA! I came away somewhat unscathed. It was great to see you again!
  • Giovanni Sacco

    i've been chillen man.. let me know when your in town we will chill or i will casterate you : )
  • Giovanni Sacco

    dude i also noticed there was a sign at wanderlust that said"public notice to sell alchohol" do you know whats going on their? i think we should go sit in the wanderlust parking lot have some tabacco and brew.. what do you say?
  • Rotsko

  • Rotsko

    mustardman sez your softer then kitten farts. Oh and also that you should be at the cupping tomorrow at high noon... first roast of the 2008 coe el sal finca aconcagua lot 12.
  • Rast Family

    Our new website is up:
    Check out how Miles got Barefoot to "glow" when you pass over the wording. Lookin' forward to the weekend. Thanks for everything.
  • Coffee Slingers Roasters

    Yep we did! We Want coffee Can i get a full list of offerings this month! I just read a good book that has me thinking little to much God in a Cup!
  • Andy Newbom

    tony, tony, tony...
  • Monica Rae Hill

    start the group already!
  • Rotsko

    any one know were to find tonx on this crazy barista exchange? by the way you should change your above website to
  • Conrad

    I have a friend down as USC, where should I recommend that she goes for the best coffee?
  • Giovanni Sacco

    thats sick man hopefully pretty soon.. are they gonna be wholesale account of barefoot, and is he gonna have good equipment, ect. also dude my grandfather is giving me pretty much a home brewery set thats hella bad ass.. so once i get this shit down ill definately hit you up
  • Julian

    Good seeing you at CF Seattle! Thanks for the support and for spending time with us. Good times.

  • Coffee Slingers Roasters

    We await the goods in LBs and dosen them all out in Grams
  • Rafael Palomino

    Oh for sure man. Customers could taste the difference and loved it. It was a badass week. You guys were awesome

    Man, whatever goes down with Coffee Creek at the end of the year, SOMETHING different is going to happen and I'm pretty excited regardless of a reopening or not. I'm determined to try and help better the scene out here! (still no love in Turlock...I'll always have Yonan's Coffee and Floral)
  • Deaton

    Hey mate,

    Only now just reading your comments on my profile page! I am still learning my way around this thang.

    I would love to try your espresso, we have just started new components for our black cat, do I hear a swap is in order?

    Venice should be cool its going to be one up on Silver lake, we are all very excited!
  • Andy Newbom

    just need those last pesky 670 ptititititeeesss
  • Erin Griffin

    You are a man of your word. I am impressed. You do know that your feet are displayed on the Espresso Parts wall of rock star's! So the tamp was acceptable to the chef? Hope so. Alysia are talking about taking a CA road trip next summer. The EP girl's are going on tour....!!!
  • kelly price

    One of these days Tony, I won't leave you hanging.
  • Maria Jose Huezo

    Hola Tony!
    i see you are out of San José CoE 07?
    good thing more nice stuff is arriving :)
    Thanks for the t-shirts... and the buttons!
  • Marista

    What you really need for your costume
  • Conrad

  • Andy Newbom

    sweet photos eh bro?
  • Joey Trujillo

    I wonder if we could do a Western-themed benefit for BTR next time... cattle-ropin at the Reno Rodeo! That's how we do!
  • Joey Trujillo

    Yo Loc! When you get a chance, pass on some of those photos from the weekend. Once again, I had a lot of fun my friend, and look forward to next time!
  • Andy Newbom

    party like it was 1978!
  • Joey Trujillo

    I embeded all the pics in my write up. Thanks Loc
  • Tamiko Rast

    Oh, I see, trying to win me over with La Marzocco! =) See you soon, we'll keep the seat warm for ya.
  • Andy Newbom

    So there was this super coffee stud named chill-e peppah. He was the hottest and the naughtiest pro in town. No folling all drooling, Serrano is the crown wearing espresso king!
  • Andy Newbom

    oh yeah......

    and he is one sick...
  • Andy Newbom

    you need a new foto tone....
  • Joshua Longsdorf

    Tony, I have a long weekend of sorts meaning I have next Monday and Tuesday off. I'm going to come down and hang, which of those days works best.
  • Andy Newbom

    as of today Tony is no longer a smoker. Kick its ass pro!!
  • Ryan Willbur

    So, when are you coming this way so we can get our drink on... bring yo mama... Devin's gettin' lonely!
  • Emma Sanchez


    hi :)

    <3 and hugs to you
  • Scott Bruggman

    Hey Tony, cant wait to come out and visit you guys at barefoot in beautiful Nor Cal on my next work trip to CA. Want to trade some Single Origin Ghanaian Chocolate for delicious fresh shots for barefoot espresso?
  • Z Bancroft

    miss you bro!