
Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Aldo Coffee, Pittsburgh, PA
How many years have you been in the industry?
3.5 years
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
My favorite aspect of coffe shop life is the people you meet and work with. Along with that, I enjoy coffee, both drinking and preparing, cupping and tasting and passing along the skills I have been fortunate enough to acquire through trainings and competitions. I have also worked in a cafe in Spain which lends well to the cross cultural aspect of "the exchange." (though I must add I am a bit more than rusty on the spanish."
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Oh, anywhere really.
About Me:
I love traveling, though I have been trying out the adult life more these days, which means not taking off every season to go skipping around the world. Who can afford that forever anyway? I've just started, this last year, to truly enjoy the "wonders of Pittsburgh" and see its unrealized potential. Its becoming home here.
About My Company:
I haven't held a job this long in all my life. That means that its a great place to work.

Comment Wall:

  • scott conary

    Its been a while since we shared a cab on the meanstreets of DC with Kluth....hope you are well....will I see you at MARBC this year at coffeefest?
  • Rich Westerfield

    hey... you should add yourself to the "trainers/educators" group. you still do that right?

  • Belle

    See rich, this is what I mean.
    Where were we BOTH at 2:17 pm today?
    I didn't know I had to do anything on this exchange...I'm just so anti social when when it comes to typing.
    but once I spend enough time to figure out how to add myself to a group, I will..though I thought I had already.
  • Zach

    Hey Belle! Fancy seeing you here...
  • Ward Payne

    Hey Belle, got your invite to add as friend. I'm so old school with this stuff (no facebook or whatever pages) that once I joined via Rich, I didn't know how to use it.
    I'll be working on promoing the barista jam this weekend. I got approval, and if Rich or Melanie were mentioning it, I'm having it on Sunday the 10th, right before Coffee Fest. Since my machine and grinder are the same they use for the latte art comp, it'll be a good warm-up for anyone entering the competition. I'll be in touch with more details.
  • Troy Reynard


    Congrats! You rocked, I'm sooooooo happy for you! Good luck at USBC, I hope you can make it to the jam!
  • Ben Helfen

    Awesome job at MARBC this past weekend Congratulations! You're going to be a force to be reckoned with at USBC.
  • m'lissa owens

    Congrats again! See you in a few in the Twin Cities!
  • Lauren

    YAY GIRL! i havent seen you yet to congratulate you in person but i am SOOO happy and proud of you! I hope we work together sometime this we can start our handbag business...hahaha.
  • Troy Reynard

    Hey Belle,

    What you guys are doing with the Bicycle Blend and Bikes to Rwanda just really makes me so happy, thank you very much! I hope you can make it out for the jam, it's really going to be a meeting of the espresso minds.
  • Sandy Hon

    Congratulations on your win! I knew then that you'd make it one day.
  • Sandy Hon

    I will definately be at the Mid Atlantic Jam. I hope to see you there, if not in person, in spirit because I'm sure we'll be talking about you.

    good things, of course.
  • Ellie Matuszak

    Congratulations on your victory Miss Belle! You rock! Will I see you or your crew next week at the Jam?
  • sonja schutte

    Oh man!!! Well let's try again, but now you're on your way to NYC (safe trip btw) and can't check. And yes Sunnyledge sounds good - this week sort of evaporated! But let's do something b4 we go to Mexico
  • Bel Townsend

    Hello fellow Bell, thought I'd say hi,
  • emily jackson

    come to our throwdown @ Tazza on 8/20 @ 7pm. $5 to enter with cash money prize to the 1st and 2nd place.
  • Jeremy Sterner

    Belle! I am just working on tracking you down. Would love to see how things are for you and Frank and what the latest is... drop a line when you have a chance.
  • Benjamin H Wilkinson

    Belle! My wife and I have been thinking about you guys lately! Congrats on all the Aldo news. I read Rich's musings.

    We're excited to come to PA in February and hopento see you then (with baby girl ).

    I'd love to hear how you are
  • Benjamin H Wilkinson

    Wow Belle! That is really exiting for you. I hope you're loving the whole project, and, wrapping your mind around it. My new store (not mine) is slated to open in January and my thoughts are torn between grinders, dishwashers, scones and staff. I don't really know which way to turn. What sort of budget do you have, I wonder, and what product line will you offer? I'm curious, for sure.

    We are looking forward to Pittsburgh. More than compete, I'm really eager to spend some time with like minded folk. You all are and inspiration.

    Keep up the tremendous work and I'll make sure to pick your brain from time to time, and, ask to borrow your gram scale.
  • Steve MacDowall

    hello Belle, greetings from Canada - Steve
  • Jeremy Sterner

    hey Belle. I tried sending you a message through bX, but I dont know if it worked. Check your junk for it or let me know if it didnt go. If it worked, I will send you some more news...
  • Steve MacDowall

    I will be in Quebec City and Montreal on the 26 of December, as to the best coffee shops - well I know how to get to them but it's been three years since I was there last so I could not tell you by name. We will be going on to Toronto until the first of Jan. Have a good time in Quebec. - Steve