

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, coffee enthusiast, industry professional, consultant, service tech/repair, supplier
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Olympia Washington
How many years have you been in the industry?
Half of the past 20 years, there was a stint there where I Tended Bar for 11 Years, argh.
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
About Me:
I started off in coffee early in my working life, moved into Bar Tending and now I'm back in Coffee!

Oh, Sweet Joy that is Coffee.

I love Espresso, ever since the first one I had, just fell in love, with the flavor and with the process. I am not sure which is harder for me while traveling, not finding good coffee or not being able to jump behind the bar and pull shots.

What more can I say? I like bugs, I keep Honey Bees, and I have a great big vegetable garden in my back yard.
About My Company:
Espresso Parts... nothing but Coffee Nerdery!

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  • Brian Gregory

    Good to see more Oly faces on here!!
    From up here on the West side you all look like little ants...cool ants, but ants nonetheless...perhaps I will see you on the streets of that which we call "downtown".
    Take care.
  • michael Phillips

    Michael! it is good to catch you on here. I still tell folks about your espresso grounds mound vessel from the NWRBC, very classic. Will you be showing up at the SCAA this year?
  • brett hanson

    I love that your flickr is so very close to "McLovin". What's shaking your way?
  • ben brown

    It is O-ficial, lil baby girl. Everything has gone smooth since she came out, just took a while to get her out. Solveig Rose was born 13 March at 4:01 am. Weighed in at 6 lbs 4 oz. What an intense event, we don't have to get into it here!
    Thanks for the well wishes.
  • brett hanson

    Do you have pix of your latte art volcano on the wall with a plaque below that reads "Obey"?
  • Shea Hagan

    Good to see you man. Hope you had fun. I need to catch up on some sleep. Hope all is well.
  • Dave White

    Elvin! Interested in being on the NW Barista Jam Committee? At the moment it is just discussion about when. I suspect specific duties will come later. Drop me a line and let me know.
  • Dave White

    Shoot me your email you use here at BX and I can send the invite. Did I email Oliver? I meant to.

    Your project by the way... nicely documented and very cool can't wait to check it out. Those older valves piss folks off. Nicely done my man.
  • K Med

    ring ring!

  • Chris Weber

    It took me a while, but I have finally gotten a hold of you. Hope all is well in the Greater Northwest. Send me the link to those grinder mod's. Out of curiosity, do you know the band Spanish for 100? They are friends from Seattle. Just played a show with them recently and thought of all the people I've been ignoring up in your corner of the world. It was good chatting with you at the USBC/SCAA. Keep up the dialogue.
  • Ryan Willbur

    Rich, in three weeks I'm driving up to the Northwest for a lil R&R. I'm planning on stopping in Olympia... We need to drink some coffee together... and then some beer!
  • michael Phillips

    Hello sir, I have been pondering when Chicago might be blessed with a visit from you and thought I'd poke the idea in your head with this here comment... so?
  • michael Phillips

    Damn you! part of luring you to Chi-town was me trying to "lure you to Chi-town". Oh well... I look forward to hearing your new endeavors so that I can try and subvert them into landing you over this a way.

  • Ryan Willbur

    I'm in Portland right now. The thought is to possibly head to Seattle tomorrow or Sunday. Either way would warrant a stop in Olympia. Will you be around?
  • Erin Griffin

    But you already have a bag...i loved your story. Thanks for sharing!
  • Tony Serrano

    Oh Michael.... you geeked out pro. How's it go doing what we know. Good to see you. Cheers.
  • Mike

    Thanks for makin' Coffeefest sweet rockin' barista toyland!
  • Shea Hagan

    Hey Man im playing at Le Voyer tonight. You should come down!
  • Nicholas Minton

    So good to geek out with you at the shop. Touring the warehouse was a great finish to the coffee fest weekend. Let me know how to get my hands on one of those mazzer chute mod templates. Hope all is well.
  • Julian

    Michael, How are you? We should chat sometime soon.
    Hope all is well.

  • ben brown

    Grrrreat, Mike! Glad you enjoyed it. I think we'll be doing a Porter soon. Did you guys press any cider? I'll catch you soon.

  • Harry

    Well hello there Mr. Elvin! Hope all is well with you. Sincerely, Harry
  • Sara Louise

    It went really well i think.
    I've pretty much got my sig. drink down.
    My best time, for the whole sh'bang (including talking to invisible judges) was 13 mins and 31 secs!
  • Matthew P. Williams

    We did. I was running coffee Friday night and all day Saturday
  • Rita Kaminsky

    Good to see you too! I'm super excited to be going to the nwrbc next week. One of these days I'd love to take a tour of Espresso Parts. I think I would feel like I was in a candy store. See you soon!
  • Sara Louise

    Hahaha! I asked if some one could stand out in the crowd and hold que cards for me. That idea was shot down...but i still think it would work well.
  • Alex Negranza

    why, hello there elvin.
  • Bre

    thanks! it was nice to meet everyone.
    super exciting! :)
  • byron

    Hey man! Great to hear from you. I'm doing really well. If you didn't hear, i sell coffee for CCC in ATLanta now. Truth be told, I love it. I'm headed down to the farm in a couple weeks to dry process my harvest. Keep in touch!

    What are you doing?
  • michael Phillips

    you need coaching from me like the country needs a third term from Bush. Just promise if you win and I somehow find a cheap flight to Portland for the nationals you'll still say hi to me like the good old days.

    good luck champ
  • Bre

    Dude, rockin awesome job today!
    Seriously rocked that 15 minutes.
    (and that grinder was brilliant)
  • Matt Greenfield

    Likewise man! You did a wicked good job up there, by the way. I'll see you soon
  • Scott Bruggman

    Great Job this weekend, it was great getting to meet you! Hopfully I will catch up with you at the shop next time i'm in WA. Totally dug the Elvinnizer Mazzer Spout!
  • Robbie Britt

    It was great to meet you and compete with you this past weekend. Congrats on your great performance. That was seriously an amazing hat by the way! Hope to cross paths soon!
  • Benjamin H Wilkinson

    I'm delighted to be going to the NERBC again this year. Last year I hung myself with anxiety, but, that whole 'opening a store next week' thing is a huge distraction.

    Hopefully I'll show up with my game in tow.

    Congrats again on the finals. I wish I could have seen it.
  • Alex Pond

    hey man-
    Really enjoyed your performance as well. I look forward to dinner and in general geeking out about coffee and equipment
  • brett hanson

    Dear McLovin,
    I'm headed to Kelso,WA all next week. Where should I stop for coffee on the way to/back?
  • Patricia Campbell

    Thanks, It was nice meeting you as well

    Take Care
  • Jared Gum

    Congrats yo!
  • Alex Pond

    For sure. I would also like to plan a time to head up to Olimpia and see Espresso parts
  • Ed Kaufmann

    You too Mister. You are a hell-uva-dude. Yes I will be in ATL trying to combine a little rock with a little roll. You ever get to NYC? Liz and I would love to hang out with you. Take care man and nice job at the USBC. You were smooth man.
  • Lorenzo Perkins

    Elvin, thanks for the two elvinators . . . i'm still waiting on all of my stuff to get back from Portland and then it's time to play! It was awesome meeting you and I hope Olympia continues to treat you well. Late!
  • Jared Truby

    I agree, you did a great job that weekend. I hope to see you again soon, more debauchery to come!!

  • Tony Serrano

    Well I'm hot blooded
    Check it and see
    I've got a fever of 103
    come on Michael
    You can do more that dance.........
  • Ryan Palmer

    Hi Elvin,
    It was my pleasure to help everyone out, if you're ever in Vancouver (WA) stop on by the shop. Just ignore all my half broke equipment that my tech won't fix. Ha! I hopefully will see you in Atlanta.
  • gwilym

    never got to talk bees. next time
  • gwilym

  • Oda Misje Haug

    Any time, you should stop by in Bergen for more coffee! :)
    And if not, I’ll se you in Reykjavik?
  • Andrew R. Tucker

    hey Elvin! It was so much fun to throwdown, and hang with some great people in Oly. Thanks for the advice, and I will see you in Seattle in a couple months, if not sooner.
  • Liz Clayton


    Let's get a coffee next week!!