Mike Funk

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista trainer, coffee roaster, industry professional, consultant
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Cave Creek, AZ
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Have built hundreds of espresso carts, sold hundreds of espresso machines and made thousands of mistakes along the way. Somehow I have managed to stay in the industry with all my limbs inrtact!
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere but Newark!
About Me:
...I've been in this industry for a long, I love that it is full of great people who in the most part want to make a positive differnce in this world.
About My Company:
Currently I am consulting, and building carts and wierd coffee vehicles. I also roast coffee.

Comment Wall:

  • Bruce Milletto

    Hey Mike
    Welcome to bX
    How is life in good old AZ long time no see
    ciao Bruce
  • Gina Palandri

    hey dude!
  • Andy Newbom

    howdy mike funky munkey
  • Gina Palandri

    Its is great!! I love it...and I love espresso..perfect match. Cooked any wood oven pizzas lately? I'd love to see some pics of your carts!! Heard they are spectacular!
  • Nick Griffith

    Hey Mr. Funk. How are you?
  • Greg Filan

    Hey Mike:
    I'm just getting started, off for training this week, working for BBC sale out of Vancouver..
    Will still be in the equipment bus, just selling more stuff now. Hope you're well, good to keep in touch through this site.
    We could start a ESI alumni group.
    Cheers, Greg
  • Jason Casale

    Hey Mike I replied to the ad here on barista exchange never got a chance to call but wondered how things are going and such would like to get a chance to meet with you some time soon thanks Jason
  • Steve Kessler

    Hey Mike! Great to hear from you again. I'd love to come and hang out some time. Sounds like fun, and with the chance to play with some coffee, we cant go wrong. Saturdays always work best for me. My wife and I share a car, so usually the weeknights are out. Take care and drop me a message when you'd like to get together. BTW, are you going to the SCAA show in May?
  • Tony Serrano

    Hey Mike. The Southwest skyline looks divine behind you. I'm going to Flagstaff in June for a concert and to visit old friends. How's the valley... How's tricks?
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Mike, how's it going? From what I see and hear business has been good. It's nice to see good coffee getting out to the masses.
  • Steve Kessler

    No worries. I'm going to the show. I signed up for some labs and classes. Take Care!
  • Nick Griffith

    Hey Mike. Life at Intelli is wonderful. I couldn't ask for a more supportive group of people to work for/with.

    Our roaster is finally roasting coffee in LA!!
    Next time you're in town, give me a call, maybe you can see us burn a batch or two!
  • Jessica Brallier

    Hi Mike,

    I miss you! I think I might be in southern UT soon. I will let you know. I want some of those margaritas that you make. How is your baby?
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Sorry its taken a while to get back to you. Life get in the way of computers some times. Things a good for me getting my head wrapped around the new job, learning new things all the time. How are things going for you?

  • Kevin Douglas

    Hey Mike,

    I got this wild idea to look you up, and here's where I found you; still in the coffee industry. It's been a while, so I'll jog your memory -- Square One in So. Seattle.

    Miss working with you and all the guys, hope all is well in your world.

    I had to create a profile here to leave this comment, so drop me a note some time and tell me how you're doing.


    Take care,

  • Ertan Han

    I ma from TURKEY and we sell coffee in future time we will make our coffee.We dont know about espresso roast and we want learn it.İs there an aroma in espresso beans or not,why is espresso have another smell and flavor.Thank for your help Delete Comment .Where can I find espresso aroma
  • Rob Daly

    Hey Mike,
    Life is good at the Bux! As I'm sure you know, there are a lot of changes going on, but I'm still hanging in there.
    Sounds like the life turns have been good for you. Keep in touch,

  • Heather Whittaker

    Hey Mike.. I saw your post about an IR3.. are you still looking? Please let me know either way. The one in my profile pic is for sale.
  • Mary Kay Kidd

    Monday morning in February...it's 75 degrees outside, and there are exactly 4 people on the beach. I heard you were taking a road trip. I'm pretty sure Hwy 1 is de rigueur for any road trip west of Barstow...so you'll include us on your itinerary, right? We are in your debt; and besides, I'm tired of telling everyone what a nice guy you are. Better to have them see for themselves.

    p.s. Please bring Delaney :)
  • Stickman

    HI MIke...Is your natty-looking IR3 still available?
    Lemme know!
  • Tom Maegdlin

    Let your people know! I would love for you guys to rep Phoenix in this one. This event will be covered in Barista Magazine!
  • Monique and Abby

    MIKE! you rock. best boss ever. period.

    Abby and Money
  • Greg Suekoff

    Mike! I am currently working with Bell Rock coffee in the VOC and would like to chat with you about your Box Car espresso, if you happen to be in the area I'd like to catch up with you. Cheers!
  • Greg Suekoff

    Mr. Funk! Thanks for your help today, you and your crew are amazing!
  • Tom Maegdlin

    Hey Mike. Check out the front page of www.arizona-coffee.com. We are holding off on the competition for a while and doing a jam instead. This will be a lot of fun for you and your Baristas!
  • Greg Suekoff

    Mike! Had a lady request an autograph on the back of a reciept today because the straight shot of Box Car I pulled for her was "the best espresso she has found in the US so far!!!! Nice Job!
  • Greg Suekoff

    Mike! I am going to start the Press Service with the arrival of your Ethiopian... I am going to really promote this so any info about your company, roasting philosophy, pictures, tasting notes, farm info, proudly serving signage, etc. would be welcomed and appreciated.
  • Greg Suekoff

    Sidamo rocks... ripe berries bittersweet chocolate, big body... I believe we will sell alot of this... Press pot service begins Tuesday....
  • Greg Suekoff

    Mr. (Dr.) Funk. Your coffee and crew continue to impress. I believe this is the finest batch of Boxcar so far. The finish is cleaner, and it has great balance and complexity (it can be hard to get both of those), nice vibrant acidity that seems just a touch softer, and a silkier mouthfeel. The press pot service is taking off, and so far ALL feedback has been very positive. We have sold all the retail Sidamo that arrived 3 days ago. It is awesome watching the very first time some has a truly beautiful coffee, and it has been a daily site at Red Rock.
  • Mike Funk

  • Greg Suekoff

    There is def something different about this batch, need a few more days to taste... so far the mouthfeel seems slightly different, and the acidity is a bit cleaner,the flavor slightly less earthy... did you change the alter the Indo in the mix? More later... I think we should Pow Wow soon...