michael Phillips


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
barista, barista trainer, home barista
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
chicago IL
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I work for Intelligentsia coffee and tea in Chicago. We try to set the bar high for what it takes to work in our shops and I would qualify most of our bar certified staff as solid 3rd wavers. I currently have a decent grasp on latte art, solid knowledge of espresso craft and know my fair share about single origin coffees as well. I could not speak for Intelligentsia as far as opening our shops to the exchange program but would be interested in seeing how other shops do things and participating in Jams, guest shifts or what have you
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
short term I am interested in any US city with a solid 3rd wave shop/culture. in the longer term I am inclined to travel to central/south america, Europe and possibly even africa.
About Me:
I am a 29 year old Barista with some experience in coffee production environments as well. I adhere to a healthy chunk of your standard progressive values such as living green, social responsibility and equality. My interests outside of coffee include biking (commuter) bar tending/mixology and plants.
About My Company:
Intelligentsia is a coffee roaster with 4 retail locations, 3 in chicago and 1 in LA. We are pushing a new direction in purchasing coffee and developing farmer relations which we have termed Direct Trade. We keep our standards high for both the quality of our beans and our preparation. We support industry events such as the regional barista comps and are SCAA members in good standing.

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  • Katie Jo

    Way way north. Way North. Think as far north as possible. ;-)
  • trish rothgeb

    you are on
  • Jonathan Christerson

    so when you are in Atlanta... we need to hang out!
  • keith

    haha, I know!

    it's really a sad case.

    there are a few of us on this side of the river that are trying to change things though!
    so, I'm hoping that things work out.

    working at the shop on 50th and Xerxes, and the one on 43rd and Upton. in the Linden Hills neighborhood.

    hoping to work on the infrastructure of Dunn Bros. as a whole. I feel like we have a decent infrastructure, we just need a lot of tweaks..

    yeah, I'm excited to see what happens in Atlanta!
  • Ryan Knapp

    Hey I'm going to be in Chicago some this weekend, I've got some free time Thursday afternoon and Monday morning. Will I catch you at the shop either of those times?
  • Ryan Knapp

    Faux judging would be fun. Unfortunately I don't think today is going to work out anymore. I think Rachel and I will be open Sunday evening and Monday. So if your doing a run-through then or up for anything else we are game. Let me know.
  • Greg Lefcourt

    Best of luck at the WBC, Mike. Ozo and the Mountain Region are rooting for you bro. USA USA USA!!!
  • tif

    in the words of someone in my close bloodline:
    go get 'em, tiger.

    do 'merica proud.
  • Alex Pond

    I heard you on NPR today!! really cool. I hope you make it to Jordan status in the ATL.
  • Patricia Campbell

    Wish you the Best!
  • Greg Lefcourt

  • K-SAKI

    coffee folk in the twin cities is still few and far between...
    and i would love nothing more than to blow kisses on the greenway...

    i think i'm coming to chicago for the ethiopia tasting at brothers k in may... see you there?
  • Matt Milletto

    Congrats Michael, bX is rooting for you! See you tomorrow!
  • Ryan Palmer

    I have a fire extinguisher waiting just in case. Burn the joint down.
  • Mike McGinness

    Congratulations on your great finals performance and 3rd finish.
  • Ray

    Nice work Michael! Congrats on 3rd place!
  • Jeff Batchelder

  • Miro

    Mike Congratulations!!! You did an amazing job and the whole USA is proud of you. Excellent performance.

    See you soon brother.
  • brett felchner

    Great Lakes! Congrats again Mike on an incredible performance and repping the USA in amazing fashion.
  • courtney marie

    Congratulations, Mike :}
  • Nathan Lyle Black

    Hell of a job Michael. Congratulations.
  • Daniel Gunter

    Ho-lee shit, good job duder! Your presentation was/is hugely inspiring.

    I've been keeping up on your webby site, and am enjoying that very much. Looking forward to more posts! And a Mint Julep recipe :)
  • Chris DeMarse

    Way to be man! I had no doubt you'd be comin' home with a trophy. Hey, I'll be in your neck o' the woods the weekend of May 1st to do a training. You going to be around Friday or Saturday? I was hoping to catch some post-wbc thoughts and maybe (fingers crossed) some of that rwanda!
  • Hunt Slade

    Enjoyed seeing you compete over the weekend - fantastic job deserving of higher laud ~ H
  • Michael Anthony Lopez

    congrats man! i was there in atl and was so impressed with you! ill make sure to swing by in chicago next time im in town
  • Yara Thais Castanho

    Coming from you this is huge! Thank you so much!
    After 4 days wearing only pajamas I'm great! And you?
  • Stephanie Ratanas

    The tea? They do supply some tea, but I can't remember if it's stash or not, I can find out on Tuesday when I'm in. If that is what you're talking about. :)
  • Stephanie Ratanas

    Hahaha oh...I'm dumb. I'm pretty sure Anodyne serves Peace Coffee, last time I was there anyway, but that was like a year ago. BR is only in one shop right now and wholesales to a lot of restaurants and such, because so many places here don't care about the way they serve their coffee and spro.

    Yeah, I just finally started to work after a few months of uncertainty. I didn't know you were ever looking to work in mpls. Thank god for the tight-knitness of the industry, or I surely wouldn't have found/landed this job. I'm doing some consulting work for them right now, and eventually in the Fall we're going to be opening up their first (and only) shop. So far, I think it's going to be pretty amazing. You will have to make a trip up here to check it out! I'll keep you posted.
  • Urmet Laht

    It was great to meet you in Atl. Hope to see you next year in London.
    Cheers :)
  • Liz Clayton

    Mikey, I miss you, how come you never visit?
  • Dex

    Sorry dude wont see you today didn't realize its fathers day weekend and my father in law works tomorrow so we have a bbq with him today. If we get back at a decent time I will call and see if you are all still chillen. Thanks for doing something like this you rock!
  • Bruno Ferrer

    So I have to do some moves and changes in my barista exchange profile!
    I do love chicago, i used the Chicago movie soudntrack in the last regionals!! Razzel Dazzel!
    I haeve to put Chicago at my list ! and change some of that old old old pictures!, nowadays i have 7 years working, and have to put my news ideas there too!
    such a short time here michel phelps jackson, we didn't have much time, and i bet that you'll come back! but don't let that coffee people notice you! you are too famous! u have to come here in the summer! and we'll drink cachaça!! auhaua I hurd that you love that! "Did you had a cachaça??" "do you want a cachaça" seu cachaceiro!! lol
    and save the nice words that you learn in portuguese
  • Attila

    It was a great time to meet with you in Atlanta!
    I download you competiton music, its cool to lisen in the car :)
    Are you come in next year to London?
    Kind regards, Attila
  • Billy Kangas

    Good to meet you this mornin' Hope to see again soon :-D
  • brett felchner

    Thanks again Mike for the hospitality yesterday. The drinks were great and hope to talk to you again soon. Make sure to hit me up if you come up to MKE anytime soon. take care
  • Alex Pond

    It was nice hanging out in Nicaragua. Flor de Caña, much? Be sure to stay in touch.
  • Stephanie Ratanas

    Yo duder--

    When you swinging up through Minne? The coffee bar I've been working on getting open for the past nine months is finally open! Wooooo. We have temporary plywood table tops and naked light bulbs instead of fixtures... and no cabinetry or storage, but it's awesome so far. Let me know if you're ever in town. I'll buy you a drink too.

  • Eric Lee

    I think I hear Carol's calling from here, man. I just started today with a shop called Mars Cafe. They're using Alterra, and seem like good folks, so I'm pretty excited. They're going to send me up to Alterra to train, for a day. Should be fun. Say hi to everybody for me, and let me know what's up with that Mypressi. I saw that Intelly's selling it. Have you gotten to try it out?
  • Alex Pond

    Life in P-Town just keeps roll'n along. I was gonna send you an email, but lost your email address. I blame my condition at the time of writing it down in Managua.
  • Lindsey Myers

    you are the man
  • nadege

    I met you in Atlanta, and I have discovered barista's world and way of life, a new discipline for me. And I loved to see your exhibition. Sorry for my english, I'm not sure it's correct. Something I wonder...have you ever been in france ? I'm sure that I have met before a guy called Mike from Chicago that was barista. In any case see you in London in june.
  • Bruno Ferrer

    hello friend how are you?
    Well i'll tell you the news, that u may now already!
    Yara won the national competition and i've got second place, bruna got third place!
    we score!!! and i was in latte art competitions too, second place again!
    well hope to meet you in london!
    my very best
  • Bruno Ferrer

    sure we will!
    looking forward to meet you aging there M.P.
    and the TNT here is getting very famous too, we had a sponsor this last edition, i hope to have every edition, that is so fun !
    we 're killing it ! i love that ! aauahuhaua lol
    take care boy
  • nadege

    Good luke for anaheim, see you in London. Sure Chicago is a really nice place...
  • Shawna Mobley

    Congrats Michael!! Sorry I missed the "party" out in Cali, but work & 2 teenagers kept me back in Ohio. I was cheering for you all the way...I knew you would do it again. Keep at it and I'm sure you will be walking away with the trophy in London. Take care & best wishes.
  • emily jackson

    congratulations on your well-deserved and earned title. all i can say is "dang".

    regards from olympia. and good luck in london.
  • Bruno Ferrer

    Hey Michael i just heard the news! congratulations friend!
    So we'll meet again in lodon! heeeeeeey!!
    you are teh best !
    you rock!
  • Bruno Ferrer

    hey Michael, could you do me a favor? if you can of course
    I was checking out the intelligentsia site, i i fell in love with the jeremy fish shirt and the black cat tamper!
    Could you take those for me, and bring to London? I could by the wwebsite, bit it would take forever to come to Brazil
    I'll pay you there!
    Please mate
    bye bye
  • Bruno Ferrer

    Congratulations mrs Phillips
    well done in London, you are freaking amazing, was really good to see you again, and especially taking the big trophy home !
    Good job mate!
    you're the best
  • Mark Fairbairn

    WTF!!! I just read an article in Bloomberg!!!

    Congrats mate!!! I knew you when... your hair was longer...