Mike Strumpf


Vancouvaer, BC


Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Vancouver, Canada
How many years have you been in the industry?
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
Barista for 4 years, competitor in regional and US barista competitions, judge in regional and US barista competitions.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Anywhere outside of the USA.
About Me:
Coffee buyer with a background in sample and production roasting and barista competitions.

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  • Mike Ferguson

    Mike...here I am cruising B.E. when I owe you scads of information...this week...this week for sure
  • scott conary

    Yep....MRBC! See you there for all the action. Looking forward to talking in more detail than ever...
  • Ray Welsh

    Hey Mike, do know if they need help with the MRBC. I've got some friends to visit in Broomfield, and just wanted to see if I could help out while I was in the area.
  • )on Lewis

    Man, oh, man. I'm looking forward to the coming flood of regional competitions - especially Mr. Barista Competition. It will be here before we know it.
  • Shea Hagan

    Hi Mike,

    I will be there! Going to try and stay an extra day as well but that might not happen. See you soon.
  • )on Lewis

    beautiful cups... worth the price of admission.
  • )on Lewis

    I dream Terra Keramik...

    ... and blue Fluevog.
  • Mike Strumpf

    When I was in Seattle I got a new pair of Fluevogs- green! Too bad I have no green Terra Keramik to match...
  • trish rothgeb

    Congrats, Strumpfie!
    By all accounts it was a successful competition.
    good job!
  • Andi C. Trindle

    Hey Mike,

    Fantastic job this weekend! It was great to be a part of it-- thanks for the opportunity.
  • Kerry Laird

    Hi Mike,
    I heard the BRBC was a smashing hit...and you had great tables! I'm planning the WRBC and am stuggling with the tables. Will you call me? 707-751-0871. Thanks!
  • Shea Hagan

    Hope you have recovered from the madness of the weekend! I had good fun!
  • Frank McGinty

    Hey mike, it's frank with Kaldi's in saint louis. Thanks for all your help this weekend, we had a great time and the event was fantastic, not to mention all of the beer! Keep in touch, hopefully we'll see you at the USBC
  • Jon

    I seriously had good times in Denver. Thanks for hosting.
  • )on Lewis

    Was it just a dream?
  • Frank McGinty

    Do you know if Hugo is on here, I had some cheese questions for him???
  • Greg Lefcourt

    Thanks for all your hard work to get the MRBC rolling, Mike. It was uber fun. You rock bro!
  • )on Lewis

    I tear up from time to time too.
  • scott conary

    Hey Mike.....sorry to be so slow, but I wanted to thank & congratulate you on a great job! Had a blast and hope your bosses appreciate what you accomplished! Say thanks to Hugo for me too and hope to see you guys at USBC.
  • Erik Williams

    Mike Strumph rocks the house. Thanks for all your work to make the MRBC happen. It was fulfilling for all of us, and it's been great to meet my people on this level. All the best, hope to see you Friday too! E
  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Hi Mike!!! Good to hear from you. I will try to go to Minneapolis and participate at the USBC again. I hope to see you there.
  • Ed Whitman

    Hello Mike,
    Congratulations on the MRBC, looks like it was a big success. I am trying to get out to Minneapolis and judging at WRBC. Ted is now working for Kenneth Davids!
  • Ted Stachura

    Hi Mike,
    See you in Minneapolis?!
    I won't be able to judge USBC this year, but stop by the Coffee Review booth (#720)
  • Frank McGinty

    Hey Mike it's Frank from Kaldi's in St. Louis. We just had a girl apply at one of cafe from Ft. Collins, CO. She worked at a place called Starry Nights Espresso Cafe, didn't know if you've heard of it or knew anything about it?
  • Frank McGinty

    Thanks for the info. I remeber TIm, I may have his contact information. Thanks again
  • Peter Middlecamp

    Hey Mike.

    If there's anything you need in MN, just look me up.
  • brian aliffi

    ahh, the mug in free-fall. Fortunately, no, just a ceramic cupping cup. It's something we put together for our Caribou web site. Gives us a place to be ourselves and help others?
  • Matt

    hey mike! just thought id say hi...
  • Josh Ferguson

    hey mike....will hugo be traveling to st.louis next week for the whole foods coffee bar opening?
  • Josh Ferguson

    florida's not a bad assignment. just thought i'd ask....talk to you soon.
  • Ryan Palmer

    Hope you're having a good time in LA man
  • Katie Christensen

    Hey, I know you! How's life these days? Just wanted to say hi. We're going to try and have a Barista Jam (a simple one). Wanna come?
  • Katie Christensen

    We don't have dates set yet but sometime in the latter part of September for the Jam. What are you doing this weekend? I definitely think a trip to Ft. Collins is in order! (sorry I didn't answer the phone last night, I was in the midst of stirring risotto.)
  • Frank McGinty

    Mike, good hangin out with you guys in LB. Josh and I 90% sure we're in for the MRBC. Can't wait to see Keegan's spot and drink some beverages (espresso & beer). Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you guys out with your regional, hopefully we'll see you in STL for ours.
  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Congratulations to you too!! It was not an easy task! what you got? sensory or tech? See you on april....
  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Sensory as well. It was difficult, wasn't it? Abrazos
  • Frank McGinty

    Let me check with a few people, I'd have you guys stay at my place but I don't think you'd get any sleep with our new baby. I'll keep you updated, see you guys soon.
  • Frank McGinty

    Mike, I think Josh and I were able to find a place for you guys to "crash". Let me know the details of when you'll be getting here and how many people total. Looking forward to seeing you guys agin.
  • Frank McGinty

    I talked with Josh, we have a place for the 3 of you to stay, it's one of the guys in the company. Josh and I are looking forward to next week, we can workout the details. Let us know if you guys need anything for the MRBC.
  • Mo Hautala

    Mike, the manager for the store I work at in Laramie, WY is competing in the MRBC. I am highly interested in any volunteer positions you may have available during the competition. I would love to attend MRBC, but don't quite have the skill level needed to compete. If there are any spots, or any ways for me to participate and learn the trade let me know.
  • Jesse Bladyka

    Thanks for all your help Mike, it's looking like I might see you in Portland!
  • Scott Bruggman

    Mike thanks for an awesome weekend. i had a blast and look forward to catching you in St. Louie
  • Greg Lefcourt

    Big Up, bro!
  • Frank McGinty


    Hope the dust has finallly settled after the festivities this past weekend...great job! I was just checking to see what time you guys are planning on hitting STL next, and if you figured out if it will be Wed or Thurs. Also, if we just happened to put together a Colorado beer "wish list", do you guys think you might be able to bring us a few "gifts", we'd pay you back of course!!
    Talk to you soon.

  • Frank McGinty

    Mike looking forward to seeing you guys. I know you talked to Josh about the beer selection and he mentioned a few. We came up with 2 more if you guys have time, no big deal if you don't. They were:

    Oscar Blues- Ten Fitty (12 pack) and Gordon (12 pack) both come in cans. Sorry so late but we're getting excited. Also, Tyler mentioned if you see anything from Stone (out of San Diago) we don't get any of there is St. Louis.

    Thanks a ton
  • Robbie Britt

    great to meet you man, looking forward to portland, hopefully see you there!
  • Chris/Dale

    thanks for your feedback last week

    it was greatly appreciated
  • sonny march

    good job mike..
  • michael Phillips

    thanks Mike, it apparently did not work as well as I had hoped but it is looking like I might get another chance come portland. see you there?
  • Attila

    Thank you very much your help and your kindness, it was a pleasure to show you my beloya in Atlanta...
    Kind regards, Attila