Steve Kessler


Milwaukee, WI

United States

Profile Information:

What is your position in the coffee industry?
coffee roaster, coffee enthusiast, industry professional
Where are you located? ( City and Country )
Milwaukee, WI
How many years have you been in the industry?
Not long enough
If you are a barista or shop, are you interested in a barista exchange with another coffee shop/barista?
Tell us more about your coffee shop or barista skills.
I have about 3 1/2 years industry experience.
What cities or countries are you interested in traveling to?
Chicago, Milwaukee.......I'm a midwest guy!!!!
About Me:
I reside in Milwaukee, WI and roast for Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co.
About My Company:
What is your favorite thing about the coffee industry?
The coffee

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  • Jason Casale

    Hey no worries steve I heard from Carla you are seriously considering moving back to michigan is that true.
    If so that sucks. I talked with Mike Funk today.
    He wants to have me back to his place some time soon.
    No worries about scaa it just was not going to come together for me.
    I do not know if you heard village was just bought out.
    Craig the orginal owner sold out he owned for 11 years not sure what is going to happen.
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey steve how are things?
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Hey I went out and got some friends, you should be proud!
  • Mike Funk

    Hey Steve,
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. ...I'm kinda crazy for the next few weeks but hopefully we can get together soon. I'm up in the air about SCCA, how about you? If the weather is good I may have an empty seat in my plane.
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Steve - bowling balls are legitimate gifts! FYI
  • Steve Kessler

  • Mitch Montgomery

    Steve I have it on good authority that you are known to do the wopp also known for the flinstone flop..... have fun at the SCAA conference
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Hey bro check out my page apparently H.P. will be in AZ in June, intriguing...
  • Sylvia Gutiérrez

    Hi Steve
    Take care you too. It was good to see you in Minneapolis. I hope next time, we have more opportunities to have a longer talk.
  • b smyth

    That's a good lookin' machine, my friend.
  • Jason Calhoon

    Yea real nice the calm before we melt!!! Things are busy but good how about yourself how are things up there.
  • Sarah Allen

    Thanks, Steve! Your support means a LOT to us! I would LOVE to get an article about the coffee scene in the SW into Bmag. Any ideas for what it should be? Feel free to email me directly at
    And thanks for fighting the good fight in AZ!!
  • Jason Calhoon

    Hey man no prob glad you made it and things are good. I started july 4th weekend and just doing weekends right now still trying to get permits.
  • Jamie Becker

    Two things Steve! Your blog is AWESOME!! And second, is there any way you can persuade Matt to get some of this Kauai estate?!! It sounds amazing, and perfect for my ideas of (*cough*) future coffee endeavors..
    Thanks for being my virtual coffee friend, I am so glad that Matt brought you on board!!
  • Michael Binns

    Thank you. I'm happy to be here.
  • Mitch Montgomery

    WOW thats some good looking latte art from the guy who was known best for latte art bird droppings (HA HA HA) Ok all kidding aside looks like you got a pretty sweet gig going on up there. Nice lookin equipment and a well established coffee culture I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I'm glad you found what you were looking for. Cheers Bro
  • Miro

    Yeah man! It was great meeting you. I really do hope you enjoyed that Costa Rican. Hopefully ill get to try something you roasted, soon. Take care brother.
  • Ethan Billips

    Great meeting you. Hope I can make it out to the W.I. sometime. Take care.
  • Ryan Knapp

    enjoyed hanging out with you at the jam as well. look forward to hanging out at more events to come. take care.
  • Miro

    Miro Lomeli
    317 W. Cross St.
    Ypsilanti, MI. 48197

    So Pumped! Thanks a bunch.

    I'll send you a list of our greens later, and if you are interested in
    playing with any of them you should totally let me know. Take care bud.
  • Miro

    Again, thank you so so much for the coffee. I cupped and chemexed the Kenyan and that Colombian and they were both awesome. I'm especially pumped on that Kenyan, its like mango heaven.

    I'll send you some coffee soon bud, I know you already had the Costa Rican and maybe our Colombian? I'm not sure, you'll have to remind me. I got a couple of other coffees for you to try out. Got an address for me?
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Hey check out the video on my page found a guy who as I imagine has dreads like you used to have.
  • Mitch Montgomery

    glad you like the are things at Anodyne?
  • Mitch Montgomery

    Good I've been very busy with fairytale and AJ's. You know the drill, hey Chip keeps asking where our spro is...
  • Mont Blanc Gourmet

    Hi Steve, thanks for inquiring we currently do not have a distributer in WI. We are always looking for new distributors especially in areas were we actually do not have any representation. You can call me, Scott Bruggman and i will be stoked to give you more info and samples 1-800-877-3811 x 115. I will be in the office tomorrow until 5pm MTN time.
  • Scott Bruggman

    Hey Steve it was great talking today and hearing about Anodyne Coffee. I got a couple big boxes of samples coming your way leaving Denver today. Hope the your customers and bosses like them. Look forward to hopefully working with you
  • Steve MacDowall

    love the photos keep it up
  • Miro

    Hey Steve,

    Sorry i haven't sent that coffee that i promised yet. I wanted to wait on the new order of greens to come in, and they just did a couple of days ago. I'm sending you some coffee sometime this week buddy. Sorry for the delay my friend. Hope you dig them :o)
  • Miro

    Yeah well be there. Ethan and another of our employees (Caylen), are planning on competing at the GLRBC. Are you going bud?
  • Miro

    Yeah man. I roasted our new Mexico Coatepec Especial, and its pretty darn good, some strawberry, choc, and cinnamon. Very awesome. We also have this Kenyan French Mission Varietal that i have not roasted, but one of our other roasters did an awesome job roasting it. We also have this Ethiopian Wondo that we have not roasted yet, but soon will.
  • Gagliardi

    Yes, I frequent Milwaukee quite often.
  • Jen Fox

    Hey Steve,
    Jen here from Mont Blanc...did ya get the samples....had time to try them yet.....let me know I'd love to hear what ya think! Cheers!
  • Miro

    Ugly coffee is on it's way buddy! Sorry it took so long i meant to have some one send it to you while i was in San Francisco, but i freakin spaced( I was there for about a week, it was pretty awesome). Sorry bud. Mexico Coatepec Especial, Kenya Washed Arabica French Mission Varietal, and Ethiopian Yirg Wondo Werka are making their way over to you. Hope you dig em. :o)
  • Miro

    Those Coffees there yet?
  • Miro

    Awww yeah! Way to rep the uglies!

    Yeah, we'll see you guys at coffee fest. I'm sure we will have tons of coffee as well. I'm glad you enjoyed those coffees. KIT. Take care bro.
  • Joseph Zimmermann

    Steve, I own a new coffee roasting business near Wausau called New Roots Coffee Company and have been roasting for a little over a year on a Probat L12. I am trying to get some good coffee into the Northern WI. Tough work but very rewarding! Joseph
  • Kevin Selig

    check out In a nut shell,we offer over 1,000 items in most every area of the industry. We offer lifetime training and support, have been in business over 16 yrs now and are family run. We added $80,000 in solar panels a few years ago and offer a lot of earth friendly items. As for Coffee Fest, I will be hanging out at the Cappuccine booth this year. Call my cell phone on the floor when you get there so we can meet. 612-250-8277. I would also love to visit your place sometime soon.
  • Kevin Selig

    I will be on the lookout for ya
  • Miro

    Thanks Steve! It's always a pleasure running into ya. Oh, and awesome jub on your sidamo! Haha. I just got done chemexing that bad boy. D-lish. I'm going to try to make it out for that throwdown. Take care brother.
  • Eric

    Hey, I was wondering if you had any recommendations or places to check out as far as apartments go? Another question I have is would I need a car for the job, since I happen to be an avid biker and plan on living close to the shop, or does the business have a work car? If i come up with anything else I'll shoot you a message... thanks -Eric-
  • courtney marie

    yeah, we're super pumped. we'll prolly be over there sometime tomorrow ... we'll need our coffee after that ride, haha. so we'll see you soon :}
  • Kurt Stauffer

    Hey Man, I want to come over on the Lake Express and check out your mojo and say hello to my man eric soon. What's a good date?
  • Tom Maegdlin

    I remember you mentioning that. We met briefly at Anodyne once. I was visiting Stef and James. My work has been cut out for me down here! Phoenix is a starb***s town hands down. This will change!
  • Tom Maegdlin

    Can I rip off your AZ Flag/Tamper picture for the Arizona Barista Network page?
  • Tom Maegdlin

  • Shannon Smith

    Hola! How is roasting going today? Some outstanding coffe, I am sure!
  • Coffee Kids

    How's Anodyne? Did you guys have your anniversary party yet? I can't remember when it'll be.
  • angela

    My name is miss angela desmond i saw your profile today and became interested in
    you,i will also like to know you more,and i want you to send an email to my
    email address so i can give you my picture, for you to know whom i am.
    Here is my email address( (
    I believe we can move from here!
    I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.
    (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life)
  • sage

    steve, hi...


    you had some equipment, etc., listed for sale here on bx...anything still remaining for sale?



    the coffee hound

  • sage

    hey steve, thanks for the friend request!  i need as many friends as i can get!  how's life in your coffee world?!  where is your location?  i'm here in the southwest area of virginia--home, that is.


    take care,


    the coffee hound